


Quora 2014年07月22日











????Be psychologically prepared: Perhaps I was unlucky in this regard, but every single person who has ever interviewed me has been seemingly heartless. I thought they were callous vampires until I either made them smile or received the offers. I know this is easier said than done when someone managing a billion-dollar portfolio is sitting across the table and gives off the impression that you’re either wasting their time or are too young to know a thing about the capital markets, but don’t get psyched out.

????To provide an anecdotal example, the head of a $3 billion fund was staring down at my resume for a good five minutes. He didn’t establish eye contact at all. Moments later, he remarked, “I think it’s deeply irresponsible that your hedge fund let you do this.” My face turned red, and I realized there was a slight miscommunication on my resume (apparently East Coast firms do things a little differently than their West Coast counterparts), so I explained it very calmly. After I went over a condensed pitch, he gave me this look and noted, “You’re very arrogant.” This really made me sweat since it came out of nowhere, so I thought of something on the spot and tossed it back. He then responded with, “You remind me of myself … when I was 25.” Shortly after, he stepped out. I was so crest fallen – did I just take two days off work and travel 3,000 miles to bomb an interview? Surely, I didn’t expect a positive outcome given his demeanor. I got a call back a few weeks later with the offer.

????Answer by Nick Lawler, investor

????The first thing you need to do is figure out exactly what type of strategy the fund pursues. There are thousands of funds and strategies vary widely. Find out everything you can ahead of time, such as what kind of investments do they make? What is their typical time horizon? What is the background of the founders and what do those funds do?

????For most funds, you should prepare several investment ideas including at least one short idea. Shorting is hard and generally requires experience, so funds tend to value skilled short sellers highly.

????Your investment idea should show an understanding of the company’s fundamentals, industry dynamics, and the risk/reward of the position you are recommending. Highlight how your recommendation differs from consensus opinion.

????You may find it easier to positively impress your interviewer if you discuss companies that are not widely followed. If you are interviewing with a TMT fund, your interviewer will already have an opinion on Apple AAPL 0.04% or Google GOOG 0.87% but maybe they haven’t yet looked at a $1billion market capitalization company based in Latin America (caveat: don’t choose an extremely small company either as the idea won’t be actionable).

????The format of your investment pitch is not as important as the content; a few PowerPoint slides or a short written document are both fine. Either way, you should be able to succinctly describe the merits of your idea, the key fundamental attributes of the company, and relevant valuation metrics without reference to any of your supporting documents. Leaving a copy of your ideas is a nice touch.

????If you haven’t heard back, follow up with further thoughts on the ideas you pitched or new, actionable ideas you’ve developed.

????Idea generation is the coin of the realm. Your goal is to show that you can regularly generate profitable investment ideas.

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