


Tom Huddleston, Jr. 2014年09月04日






????“A lot of the undergraduates [at these schools] have been heavily focusing on computer science and engineering, especially in the past decade or so. It makes sense, since those schools are producing those types of degree holders, that both male and female graduates would be the ones creating these products and companies,” said Andy White, a PitchBook analyst.

????However, even the top schools on the PitchBook list are seeing a large disparity between the number of female founders they graduate and the total number of company founders spawned by each school. For instance, Stanford may lead the way with 40 female founders over the past five years, but that group accounts for less than 11% of the total number (378) of Stanford alums to receive VC funding for their companies in that period. Similarly, female founders account for only about 16% of the 352 total company founders with Harvard MBAs from that same time period.

????White says he expects the gap between female and male company founders to narrow over time, though, and he even points to a PitchBook study from last year showing that companies with at least one female founder have increased their share of VC funding rounds in each of the previous 10 years. Those numbers showed female-founded companies more than tripled their share of U.S. venture rounds during that time, rising to 13% last year.

????“You see a lot more money flowing into those companies founded by women and I can only see that increasing,” White said.

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