


Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日

????24. eBay




????該公司計(jì)劃明年分拆為兩家公司:網(wǎng)絡(luò)零售商eBay及其電子支付業(yè)務(wù)PayPal。尚不知曉這一即將到來的分拆將對(duì)公司員工產(chǎn)生什么影響,但公司一位發(fā)言人稱,“兩家公司都將擁有充足的資本和足夠的人手”,而且“絕大部分員工的日常工作不會(huì)受到公司分拆的影響?!爆F(xiàn)有員工都經(jīng)過“當(dāng)顧客”(Be the Customer)的訓(xùn)練,包括通過公司的拍賣網(wǎng)站出售產(chǎn)品并進(jìn)行PayPal交易的比賽。該公司還鼓勵(lì)員工在會(huì)議中“開放、誠實(shí)和直接”地提出反饋意見,以此為eBay人的“共有行為”。首席執(zhí)行官約翰?多納霍稱,“我們的員工每天工作都以客戶為中心。他們的確對(duì)此抱有熱情,因?yàn)楹芏嗳俗约壕褪强蛻簟!?/p>

????24. eBay

????Revenue: $16 billion

????Headquarters: San Jose, Calif.

????Employees: 33,000

????Next year, the company plans to split in two: the online retailer eBay and its e-payment business PayPal. It remains to be seen how the coming rift will affect the company’s workers, though a spokesperson for the company says that “Both companies will be well capitalized and well staffed” and “that the vast majority of employees’ day to day roles will continue unaffected by the separation.” Current employees have participated in “Be the Customer” drills, which include competitions for selling products through the company’s auction site and by making PayPal transactions. The company also encourages “open, honest and direct” feedback during meetings as one of its “Shared Behaviors.” According to CEO John Donahoe, “Our employees come to work every day putting the customer at the center of everything they do. And they feel really passionate about it because many of them are customers themselves.”

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