????7. 放權,拿出更多時間陪伴家人。 ????創(chuàng)業(yè)者必須掌握的關鍵技能之一便是放權。一定要“針對自己的弱點進行招聘”。你引進的人才應該能完成你不太擅長的任務,進而使你從中解放出來,把更多精力用于規(guī)劃公司的未來。此外,這一策略也可以幫你騰出更多時間陪伴家人,而這才是最重要的。 ????當然,如果你最近有什么好主意,別忘了征求家人的意見。比如,在推出Mates避孕套之前,我其實應該先征求家人的意見。 ????8. 溝通協作 ????保持簡單直接,最重要的是,與其他人一起工作和娛樂。將蘑菇放在黑暗中,撒一些肥料,它可能會自己生長,但這種策略不適合人。蘋果公司(Apple)聯合創(chuàng)始人史蒂夫?喬布斯和皮克斯(Pixar)等公司,開創(chuàng)了開放的工作環(huán)境,鼓勵人們交流和分享自己的創(chuàng)意——你也需要這樣的氛圍。 ????9. 關上筆記本和iPhone,到戶外去。 ????不要整天坐在屏幕前面。關上那些電子設備,去探索外面的世界。如果你一直忽略了這方面,可以先從自己家的后院開始,然后逐漸擴大活動范圍。外面有那么多有意思的人等著你去結交,有那么多精彩的冒險等你嘗試,有那么多有意義的事情等著你去挑戰(zhàn),所以,我們沒有時間可以浪費。正如一句諺語所說:生活不是帶妝彩排。 ????10. 做自己喜歡的事情,在廚房放一張沙發(fā)。 ????只要自己愛的人就在身邊,能做自己喜歡的事情,住在哪里和掙多少錢將不再重要。我們住在內克爾島的時候,家人大多數時間會在廚房里度過。只要有一個安身之所,能與自己最愛的人在一起,便已足夠,何須太多? ????現在,我得回到吊床上處理工作去了——這便是維京群島人的生活方式?。ㄘ敻恢形木W) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
???7. Delegate, and spend more time with your family. ????The art of delegation is one of the key skills that entrepreneurs must master. Be sure to “hire to your weaknesses.” Bringing on people who can do the tasks you aren’t particularly good at can free you up to plan for your company’s future. This strategy also allows you to spend more time with your family, which is really the most important thing of all. ????Oh yes, and don’t forget to as your family for input on your latest big idea — like I should have done before we launched Mates condoms, for instance! ????8. Communicate, collaborate and communicate some more. ????Keep it simple, stupid . and above all else, work and play with others. Mushrooms might grow when they are kept in the dark and fed a diet of dung, but that strategy doesn’t work with people. The Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and companies like Pixar built open work environments that invited intermingling and the sharing of visions — you need that atmosphere too. ????9. Turn off your laptop and iPhone, and get out there. ????Don’t sit in front of a screen all day. Switch everything off and venture out into the world regularly. If you’ve been neglecting this part of life, start with your own backyard, then expand your field of vision. With so many fascinating people to meet, exciting adventures to embark upon and rewarding challenges to undertake, there’s no time to lose. As the saying goes: Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. ????10. Do what you love, and keep a couch in the kitchen. ????As long as you are surrounded by the people you love and you’re doing what you love, it really doesn’t matter where you live or how much money you make. When we are on Necker Island, my family tends to spend most of our time in the kitchen together. If you have a roof over your head and a partner you love, you really don’t need too much more. ????Now, I really must get back to my hammock so I can do some business – around here that’s known as the Virgin Islands way! |