
新的一年,有一件事是肯定的:明年將是找新工作的絕佳時機。 美國有約300萬個職位空缺,公司也在加大招聘力度。凱業(yè)必達(CareerBuilder)及其就業(yè)市場調(diào)研機構(gòu)經(jīng)濟建模專家國際公司(Economic Modeling Specialists International,EMSI)決定找出就業(yè)機會最多的領(lǐng)域。研究人員收集了約90個來源的數(shù)據(jù),包括招聘網(wǎng)站等,并將700個行業(yè)每月新聘人員的平均數(shù)量和對外公布的職位空缺數(shù)量進行了對比。 凱業(yè)必達CEO馬特?弗格森表示:“求職者正在獲得更多籌碼,原因是,被聘用員工人數(shù)的增長速度,還跟不上招聘廣告的頻率和數(shù)量?!?/p> 研究還調(diào)查了招聘廣告中的薪酬,將年薪分解成時薪,對豁免員工和非豁免員工(譯者注:非豁免員工受《公平勞動標準法》保護,該法案不適用于豁免員工)的薪酬進行了直接對比。(計算將年薪除以2,080,假設(shè)每年工作52周,每周工作40個小時)。 以下是目前職位空缺最多的10個領(lǐng)域,并且凱業(yè)必達預(yù)測,進入2015年,這些領(lǐng)域還會有更多機會: |
One thing is certain about the new year: It will be a great time to look for a new job. With about 3 million vacant positions in the U.S., and hiring on the rise, CareerBuilder and its job-market research arm Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) set out to find exactly where the most jobs are. The researchers pulled data from about 90 sources, including job boards, and compared the average number of new hires per month with the number of advertised openings in about 700 occupations. “Job seekers are gaining leverage, since the rate of workers being hired isn’t keeping up with the frequency and volume of job ads,” says Matt Ferguson, CareerBuilder’s CEO. The study also looked at advertised pay, breaking annual salaries down to their hourly rates to directly compare exempt and non-exempt jobs. (The calculation divides yearly salaries by 2,080, assuming 40 hours per week for 52 weeks.) Here are the 10 fields with the most job openings now, and where CareerBuilder projects opportunities will keep growing well into 2015: |

技術(shù)類人才供不應(yīng)求,并不是什么新鮮事,但為什么對市場營銷人才的需求會急劇增長?原因是社交媒體的迅速增長,而能夠讓公司的信息在紛繁復雜的社交媒體中引人注目的人才卻相對稀缺。醫(yī)療改革啟動,使醫(yī)療經(jīng)理的需求量增加。同時,隨著美國人口的老齡化,未來將需要更多康復治療師。 如果說凱業(yè)必達的調(diào)查有不足之處,就是其數(shù)據(jù)低估了雇主對人才的需求,因為這些數(shù)據(jù)僅反映了登廣告的職位空缺。其他研究顯示,約有一半左右的管理和專業(yè)職位空缺,從未出現(xiàn)在招聘網(wǎng)站上,而是通過人脈網(wǎng)絡(luò)和口口相傳的形式找到了合適的人選。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
It’s not news that tech expertise is in short supply, but why the surge in demand for marketing mavens? Chalk it up to the proliferation of social media, and the relative scarcity of people who can make a company’s message stand out amid the ever-growing clutter. The onset of health care reform, meanwhile, had led to a call for more medical managers, and the aging of the U.S. population will lead to even more demand for all kinds of rehabilitative therapists in the years ahead. If anything, CareerBuilder’s figures understate employers’ appetite for talent, since the data only reflects advertised job openings. Other studies have shown that as many as half of all management and professional jobs never appear on any job board but are instead filled through networking and word-of-mouth. |