


Quora 2015年05月05日


????1. 演示對象:了解演示的目標(biāo)受眾。坐在禮堂里的那些普通人是什么樣子?體會他們的感受,想象他們的特點,描繪出他們的形象。對于你將要演示的主題,他們的理解能力達(dá)到了怎樣的水平?根據(jù)受眾量身設(shè)計演示內(nèi)容。不要過于高深,也不能過于膚淺。只要你能將受眾形象化,從他們的角度來思考問題,你便可以與他們產(chǎn)生一種情感上的聯(lián)系。

????2. 原因:了解你的動機。你為什么要進(jìn)行這次演示?你希望通過演示達(dá)成怎樣的目標(biāo)?是要吸引投資者嗎?或者使科學(xué)領(lǐng)域的受眾認(rèn)可你工作的有效性?演示只是在營銷自己的內(nèi)容,但并不能取代你的主要內(nèi)容(融資時,需要演示一套詳細(xì)的幻燈片與度量指標(biāo);發(fā)表研究報告時,需要演示一篇論文)。演示是幫助你實現(xiàn)戰(zhàn)略目標(biāo)的武器之一。

????3. 演示內(nèi)容:了解語境。你的演示需要什么樣的廣義語境?是體驗日的一部分?是學(xué)術(shù)會議的一部分?或者是在一次公司會議上?是融資活動還是慈善活動?是產(chǎn)品演示嗎?你的語境應(yīng)該能驅(qū)動你演示的內(nèi)容和意圖。

????4. 了解比基尼準(zhǔn)則——露的部分要足夠多,但蓋住的部分也要足夠多,這樣才能激起聽眾的興趣。大多數(shù)人總是忍不住想將自己知道的一切都放到一張小小的幻燈片當(dāng)中。這會嚇到聽眾,讓他們感到迷惑。演示的目標(biāo)應(yīng)該是激起聽眾對你的工作的興趣,最終幫助你實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)。從本質(zhì)上而言,演示更像是一個開場白,用途是吸引對方的注意力。




????1. 幻燈片不能作為會上分發(fā)的文字材料。不要分發(fā)毫無意義的幻燈片打印材料。用MS Word或InDesign等文檔創(chuàng)建工具準(zhǔn)備一份在會上分發(fā)的文字資料。

????2. 幻燈片不是用來閱讀的,當(dāng)然也不是用來打印的。[聽眾在閱讀的時候,便不會聽你演講。]關(guān)鍵是讓聽眾與你產(chǎn)生聯(lián)系。令你的受眾對你產(chǎn)生興趣。不要超過7-10個單詞。只要聽眾喜歡你的創(chuàng)意,他們就會閱讀文字材料以了解更多內(nèi)容,然后與你進(jìn)行更詳細(xì)的交流。

????3. 準(zhǔn)備腳本?;脽羝皇亲屇阌脕砝首x的小抄。不要依賴幻燈片。要有一份可靠的腳本,并用投影儀補充你所說的內(nèi)容。要不斷彩排。每次我沒有經(jīng)過彩排便進(jìn)行演講的后果,很快便會在聽眾當(dāng)中反映出來[無聊]。

????4. 走上空無一人的講臺。進(jìn)行重要的演示之前,在大廳內(nèi)空無一人的時候提前走上講臺感受一下。在講臺上踱步,感受真實的現(xiàn)場氛圍。找到在家中的自在感覺,讓自己全身心投入到演示現(xiàn)場。

????5. 進(jìn)行現(xiàn)場預(yù)演。在我最近一次演示中,我們沒有進(jìn)行技術(shù)預(yù)演,果然出現(xiàn)了技術(shù)問題,我失去了寶貴的幾分鐘。一定要保證技術(shù)方面不會出故障。

????6. 穿舒適的衣服。你應(yīng)該感覺這些衣服便是你身體的延伸。我有一套最喜歡的西裝,那是我在七年前買的,之后在最重要的演示場合,我從來都不穿其他衣服。我已經(jīng)將它變成了一種儀式,穿著它就像是一位身穿鎧甲的騎士。那套西裝讓我戰(zhàn)無不勝。只要穿著它,我就能感受到之前那些演講給我?guī)淼暮谜最^,推動著我,讓我充滿信心。

????Before the preparation

????1. Who: Understand the target. What does an average person sitting in the auditorium look like? Feel them, imagine them, draw them. What level of competency do they have in the subject you are going to present? Tailor the content to your audience. Never try to go over their heads or beneath their feet. Once you start visualizing the audience and get them into their heads, you can make an emotional bond with them.

????2. Why: Understand your motive. Why are you presenting? What are you planning to achieve after the presentation? Is it to attract investors? Is it to convince a scientific audience about the validity of your work? The presentation is just the marketing of your content and cannot be a replacement for your main content (a detailed deck & metrics in case of fund raising & a paper in case of a research presentation). The presentation is one of the weapons that should lead you to that strategic objective.

????3. What: Understand the context. What is the broad context of your presentation. Is it a part of a demo day? Is it part of an academic conference? Is it a company meeting? Is it a fund raising event for a charity? Is it a product demo? The context should drive your content and intent.

????4. Understand the Bikini rule of life - Reveal enough and conceal enough to spark interest. Most of us have the temptation to dump all the stuff we got into the poor little Powerpoint. That leads to intimidation and confusion. The goal of the presentation should be to spark that interest in your work so that your target comes towards you. In essence it is a conversation starter by gaining their attention.

????The Marketing Mindset

????When you are presenting, you are actually marketing [to eventually lead to a “sale” – of whatever you are attempting]. Get into that mindset. You can never sell someone an important idea through a single shot. You need go through a series of stages in the process of them buying your idea. First get them to be aware of your product, generate an interest and eventually lead them to process that leads them to “purchase”. Your presentation should do the first two stages below.

????Preparing for your presentation

????1. The powerpoint deck is not a handout. Don’t be that guy handing out irrelevant printouts of your powerpoint. Prepare a document handout prepared through a document creator like MS Word or InDesign.

????2. The powerpoint deck should not be a readable one. Certainly not a printable one. [If they are reading, they are not listening to you]. It should be to connect. To get your audience to be interested in you. No more than 7-10 words. Once the audience like your idea, they should have the handout to read more and then come to you for a much detailed walk through.

????3. Prepare a script. Powerpoint deck is not your cheat sheet to read from. Don’t rest on that. Have a strong script and use the projection to complement what you say. When you have finished rehearsing, rehearse hard. Whenever I present without rehearsing, the result shows immediately in the audience [boredom].

????4. Get to the empty stage. Before an important presentation, get to the stage when the whole place is empty. Pace the stage and let the physical world consume you. Feel at home and let the environment absorb you.

????5. Do a dry run. During one of my recent presentations, I didn’t do a tech dry run. Not surprisingly the tech melted down and there was precious minutes lost. Make sure the technology doesn’t fail you.

????6. Be very comfortable with the clothes you are going to wear. You should feel those clothes are an extension of your body. I have a favorite suit I bought 7 years ago and I don’t wear any of my other suits for the most important presentations. I take it ceremonially and feel like a knight in his armor. That suit provides the cloak of invincibility. Once I’m in, I feel all the good omens from the past presentations come in and push me and give the confidence.

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