







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年05月24日


成都組裝線的工人們。圖片來(lái)源:M.I.C. Gadget


????上周六,這一名為 M.I.C. Gadget的網(wǎng)站又刊發(fā)了一篇報(bào)道,對(duì)富士康成都工廠的背景進(jìn)行了介紹。該文揭示的內(nèi)容有些不同尋常。透過(guò)這篇報(bào)道,讀者不僅可以匆匆一瞥工廠內(nèi)工人的生活(見(jiàn)圖),同時(shí)還可對(duì)當(dāng)初促成富士康在成都建廠的行業(yè)政策形成概括性的認(rèn)識(shí)。

????這篇報(bào)道值得關(guān)注。據(jù)M.I.C的張星(音譯)報(bào)道,為了能及時(shí)滿足蘋果公司(Apple)iPad2的生產(chǎn)需求,富士康在創(chuàng)記錄的短時(shí)間內(nèi)建成了這些廠房。張星還繼續(xù)寫道,富士康深圳工廠已經(jīng)開(kāi)足馬力,在全負(fù)荷運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的情況下,每月可生產(chǎn)250萬(wàn)臺(tái)iPad 1。因此,富士康需要建成50條新生產(chǎn)線,以確保每年可出產(chǎn)4,000萬(wàn)臺(tái)iPad 2。



????張星以稚拙的英文寫道:“四川省的各級(jí)政府和官員,為富士康在成都市建廠一路開(kāi)綠燈放行,其中包括批準(zhǔn)給予富士康財(cái)政補(bǔ)貼和特惠的公司收入稅率等優(yōu)惠政策。此外,富士康還曾要求四川各級(jí)政府在建廠的初級(jí)階段給予大力支持:它們需要在不足3個(gè)月的時(shí)間內(nèi),開(kāi)辟出一塊幾萬(wàn)平方米的土地供建廠之用;而且,半年內(nèi),工廠占地面積需要擴(kuò)充到170萬(wàn)平方米。” 在地方官員的幫助下,富士康還在短時(shí)間內(nèi),征集到了幾乎所有配件廠商和支持企業(yè)。地方政府甚至要求當(dāng)?shù)氐穆殬I(yè)中專學(xué)校將學(xué)生輸送到富士康工廠去實(shí)習(xí),以確保未來(lái)能提供充足的勞動(dòng)力資源。



????“5月20日在敝公司位于成都的鴻富錦精密電子(成都)有限公司 [Hongfujin Precision Electronics (Chengdu) Co. Ltd.)]廠區(qū)內(nèi),一間拋光車間發(fā)生爆炸。富士康現(xiàn)懷悲痛的心情確認(rèn),第三名員工因傷死亡?!?/p>



????下圖:M.I.C. Gadget提供的更多圖片。


????When a polishing workshop blew up in Foxconn's new factory complex in Chengdu, China, it was an English-language website operating, as they put it, "outside the Great Firewall of China, temporarily," that broke the news and provided U.S. media outlets with videos, photos and regular updates.

????On Saturday, the website -- M.I.C. Gadget -- posted a background story on Foxconn's Chengdu facility that offers a rare glimpse not only of life inside the factories (see photo), but of the industrial policies that brought them to Chengdu in the first place.

????It's a remarkable tale. According to M.I.C.'s Star Chang, the factories were constructed in record time specifically to meet demand for Apple's (AAPL) iPad 2. With its Shenzhen factory operating at full capacity churning out, according to Chang, 2.5 million first-generation iPads a month, Foxconn needed 50 new production lines capable of building up to 40 million second-generation iPad per year.

????Foxconn chose Chungdu, the capital of Sichuan province, because so many of the workers in Shenzhen had come from the inland province. Foxconn hoped to tap into this source of low-cost labor without the problems -- among them a rash of high-profile suicides -- created by moving young workers from small provincial towns to a big industrial city on the coast.

????The province, eager to attract industry, bent over backward to accommodate Foxconn:

????"Sichuan's governments and officials," writes Chang in somewhat fractured English, "have provided fast-tracked approval for Foxconn to set up their factory plant in Chengdu city, including clearances for fiscal subsidies and preferential corporate income tax rates. Foxconn has requested the inland governments to support for the plant construction at the initial stage, they have to build an area of several 10 thousands square meters for the factory for less then 90 days, and within half a year, the plant has to be expand to an area of 1.7 million square meters. Foxconn has also lined up all nearby component makers and supporting enterprises in a short period of time, with the help of local officials. The government even asked local vocational schools to provide student to take internships in Foxconn factory to ensure a plentiful workforce for the future.

????"While everything has prepared ready for the new plant's production, Foxconn need Apple's approval for manufacturing iPad in Chengdu, and the Apple's inspection team only take two days to visit Chengdu's factory. The team has inspected all the production lines and facility, especially the worker's dormitories. ... Finally, Apple approved Chengdu's factory to produce iPad. It took about 70 days from setting up the production lines, 8 huge factory buildings were built and it has set a record on the shortest period of time to set up a factory plant. The officials from Chengdu has also arranged to increased cargo flights to Hong Kong and set aside the biggest block of land in its tariff-free zone for the company to help cut costs."

????UPDATE: Foxconn issued an update on Sunday:

????"Foxconn can confirm that, sadly, a third employee has died from injuries from the May 20 explosion at one of the polishing workshops at our company's Hongfujin Precision Electronics (Chengdu) Co. Ltd. facility in Chengdu."

????On Friday Apple issued this statement:

????"We are deeply saddened by the tragedy at Foxconn's plant in Chengdu, and our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We are working closely with Foxconn to understand what caused this terrible event."

????Below: More photos from M.I.C. Gadget.









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