







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年09月16日



??? 上周二,微軟(Microsoft)在年度開發(fā)者大會(huì)上分發(fā)了搭載測試版Windows 8的三星(Samsung)平板電腦,由此在博客界、Twitter以及報(bào)紙上引發(fā)了一場口水戰(zhàn)。Windows 8是微軟為應(yīng)對(duì)蘋果(Apple)的OS X以及iOS而推出的操作系統(tǒng)。

????保羅?舒羅特是微軟專業(yè)網(wǎng)上社區(qū)Windows IT Pro的新聞編輯,也是Windows Weekly播客的主播,他在Twitter上發(fā)布了一通虛擬電話來表明自己的態(tài)度。在這段對(duì)話中,iPad當(dāng)場認(rèn)輸:“喂,是Windows 8嗎?我是iPad。你贏了?!?/p>

????科技與電子消費(fèi)品博客Boy Genius Report的扎克?愛潑斯坦在一篇名為《蘋果,很遺憾,Windows 8正在引領(lǐng)后后PC時(shí)代》(Sorry Apple, Windows 8 ushers in the post-post-PC era)的帖子中寫道:“顯然,這個(gè)平臺(tái)令蘋果博客寫手們坐立不安。他們不斷在Twitter上發(fā)些關(guān)于冷卻風(fēng)扇和Silverlight的笑話,一刻也不消停,完全不想想,微軟正在向我們展示計(jì)算技術(shù)的未來呢?!?/p>

????商務(wù)社交網(wǎng)站The Loo的吉姆?達(dá)爾瑞普稱:“誰說我緊張了?我都快笑掉大牙了?!边_(dá)爾瑞普是上述笑話的原創(chuàng)者之一,他在The Loop網(wǎng)站上發(fā)了一張照片——照片上是一個(gè)工業(yè)級(jí)尺寸的電風(fēng)扇,下面標(biāo)注著一行文字:Windows 8平板電腦的必備附件。

????大膽的火球(Daring Fireball)網(wǎng)站的約翰?格魯伯是蘋果的支持者,他說,就算Windows 8可能成為成功的操作系統(tǒng),但“如果蘋果也發(fā)布一款和Windows 8平板電腦類似的半成品,那我真會(huì)大為驚恐?!?/p>


????愛潑斯坦:“不久之后,Mac OS和iOS會(huì)整合成一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的平臺(tái),或者OS X將大量吸收iOS的特性,憑借這些特性,蘋果最終將在觸屏設(shè)備領(lǐng)域游刃有余……屆時(shí),蘋果會(huì)提供一種新的計(jì)算機(jī)解決方案,它的功能豐富而強(qiáng)大,遠(yuǎn)超蘋果現(xiàn)有的解決方案。而這個(gè)全新的方案就跟Windows 8一樣。”



????達(dá)爾瑞普:“等Windows 8發(fā)布,人們紛紛拋棄iPad,轉(zhuǎn)投Windows 8的時(shí)候,再說微軟帶領(lǐng)我們進(jìn)入了什么新的時(shí)代吧——否則,一切都是空談?!?/p>


????A war of words -- blogged, tweeted and syndicated -- broke out at Microsoft's (MSFT) annual developers conference Tuesday when the company distributed Samsung tablets loaded with beta copies of Windows 8, its answer to Apple's (AAPL) OS X and iOS, rolled into one.

????Paul Thurrott, the news editor of Windows IT Pro and host of the Windows Weekly podcast, set the tone when he tweeted an imaginary phone call in which the iPad concedes victory on the spot: "Hello, Windows 8? This is iPad. You win."

????"Apple bloggers were apparently so flustered by the platform that they resorted to bombarding Twitter with jokes about cooling fans and Silverlight instead of stopping for a moment to realize that Microsoft is showing us the future of computing," wrote Boy Genius Report's Zach Epstein in a post entitled Sorry Apple, Windows 8 ushers in the post-post-PC era.

????"I wasn't flustered," says The Loop's Jim Dalrymple, who had made one of those jokes, posting a photo of an industrial-size fan under the label Must-have accessory for Windows 8 tablet. "I was laughing my ass off."

????Daring Fireball's John Gruber, speaking for the Apple establishment, granted that Windows 8 might turn out to be a successful OS, but added: "I'd be appalled if Apple were to unveil something in the half- (if that) finished state of Windows 8 for tablets."

????Below: More sniping.

????Epstein: "Down the road, Mac OS and iOS will merge into a single platform or OS X will adopt enough iOS-like characteristics that Apple will finally be comfortable with slapping it on a touch-enabled device... At that point in time, Apple will be able to offer a computing solution that is infinitely more versatile and capable than the company's current solutions. A solution like Windows 8."

????Dalrymple: "I just threw up in my mouth."

????Epstein: "If the iPad ushered in the post-PC era, then welcome to the post-post-PC era."

????Dalrymple: "When Windows 8 is released and millions of people choose that over the iPad, then you can safely say that Microsoft ushered in something — until then, they have nothing."







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