







專欄 - Allan Sloan


Allan Sloan 2011年09月26日

艾倫·斯?。ˋllan Sloan)為《財富》雜志高級編輯。出生于紐約布魯克林,1966年畢業(yè)于布魯克林學(xué)院,次年畢業(yè)于哥倫比亞大學(xué)新聞學(xué)院研究生院。他是金融領(lǐng)域的資深記者,2008年以“"House of Junk”一文第七次獲得財經(jīng)新聞界最高榮譽(yù)杰洛德-羅布獎(Gerald Loeb Award)。



????實際上很簡單。只要能讓財務(wù)會計準(zhǔn)則委員會(Financial Accounting Standards Board)督促所有上市公司公布一項數(shù)據(jù),這個問題就會迎刃而解——即公司為指定年份所交納的聯(lián)邦所得稅稅額。要知道,目前,各公司公布了大量的稅務(wù)數(shù)據(jù),唯獨把聯(lián)邦所得稅排除在外。

????這種改變勢在必行。雖然我們可以通過大量的報道、博客、網(wǎng)上評論、報告和Twitter信息對納稅情況有所了解,但是,誰又真的了解最近幾個月以來美國公司繳納公司所得稅的詳細(xì)情況呢?而且,很多報道都是有誤的。包括《紐約時報》(New York Times)3月25日的一篇常規(guī)報道稱,通用電氣公司(General Electric)在2010年未繳納公司所得稅。而造成這些報道錯誤的原因是,報道者混淆了公司用來計算盈利的數(shù)據(jù)和應(yīng)向美國國稅局(Internal Revenue Service,IRS)繳納的稅款額度。

????同樣,美國政策研究學(xué)會(Institute for Policy Studies)近期發(fā)布的《2011企業(yè)高管薪酬報告》(Executive Excess 2011 report )也不可避免的出現(xiàn)了錯誤。該報告將企業(yè)首席執(zhí)行官的薪酬與公司繳納的聯(lián)邦所得稅進(jìn)行了比較(這可真是個很不錯的主意)。


????“事實上,對于跨國公司和發(fā)行無條件認(rèn)股權(quán)的公司來說,其財務(wù)報表中上報的‘本期稅額’所得稅金額不太可能代表其納稅申報單中顯示的實際支付所得稅額,”密歇根州立大學(xué)商學(xué)院(Michigan State University business school)高級稅務(wù)會計專業(yè)教授埃德蒙德?奧斯雷稱。請注意,其實,大部分大型美國公司都持有股票期權(quán),或進(jìn)行跨國業(yè)務(wù),或兩者兼而有之。





????事實上,企業(yè)總是可以找到數(shù)據(jù)來為自己辯護(hù)。例如,美國移動運(yùn)營商Verizon就選出幾組數(shù)據(jù),反駁IPS報告中的有關(guān)內(nèi)容。還有埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil)(我持有該公司的股票)也是用同樣的方法,向《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)森?伯尼?桑德斯(佛蒙特州—獨立參議員)撰寫的專欄報道提出了反證。






????My usual journalistic role is to expose wrongdoing, point with alarm, and distill complicated information into clear explanations of what's really going on in the world. I rarely offer specific solutions, because that's not my job -- I'm an observer and critic, not a policy?maker.

????Today, though, I'm going to depart from form and suggest a solution to a problem that's plaguing the current debate about corporate income taxes: too many numbers, too little knowledge.

????It's simple, really. Get the Financial Accounting Standards Board to make public companies disclose one number that's currently not required -- the amount of federal income tax they pay for a given year. Companies report plenty of tax numbers, but not that one.

????Here's why we need this change. There have been a zillion stories, blog posts, online comments, reports, tweets, and who knows what else in recent months about how much income tax U.S. companies do or don't pay. Many of the pieces -- including the New York Times' agenda-setting Mar. 25 story claiming that GE (GE) paid no U.S. income tax for 2010 -- are wrong, because they confuse numbers that companies use to calculate earnings with the amount they pay the IRS.

????That is also true of the Institute for Policy Studies' recent Executive Excess 2011 report comparing chief executives' compensation packages with the U.S. income taxes their companies paid. (A great idea, by the way.)

????Both the Times story and the IPS study conflate an accounting entry called "current portion of U.S. taxes" with the taxes a company sends the IRS. But the two numbers are rarely the same.

????"For multinational companies and companies issuing nonqualified stock options, it is very unlikely the 'current' income tax expense as reported in the financial statement will represent the actual income taxes paid as reported on the tax return," says Ed Outslay of the Michigan State University business school, a leading tax scholar. Please note that most sizable U.S. companies have stock options, multinational operations, or both.

????Scott Klinger, chief author of the IPS study, readily concedes that "current tax" is a "best approximation" rather than the actual amount that companies pay the IRS or get back from it. However, the study doesn't say that.

????The Times is less forthcoming. In an Aug. 31 story about the IPS study, the Times, in passing, quoted GE as saying that it paid some federal income tax for 2010. The Times, which declined to comment, hasn't reconciled that with its March ("Its American tax bill? None.") version. Or with a Sept. 11 story that said -- correctly -- that only the companies know how much income tax they pay.

????(Disclosure alert: In April, Jeff Gerth of ProPublica and I wrote about GE's tax situation, pointing out the Times' original mistake and making the same points the Times has since made in its August and September stories. The Times deserves credit for evolving. It's nice to have company in what had been a lonely position.)

????Adding to the confusion about who owes what to the IRS are numbers from cash flow statements (not to be confused with profit-and-loss statements) that show taxes companies paid in a given year. Alas, taxes paid in a given year aren't the same as taxes paid for a given year. Payments could be for earlier years or future years, or could be estimated taxes paid that year that will be refunded in the future.

????You can find a number to support whatever case you want to make. Verizon (VZ) is using selected numbers to rebut what the IPS study said about it. Exxon Mobil (XOM) (in which I own stock) is using selected numbers to rebut a Wall Street Journal op-ed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.).

????It would be nice if corporations voluntarily disclosed their actual tax bill so we could have an informed discussion. But even if some decide to do so, most won't.

????The obvious and simple solution is to have the Financial Accounting Standards Board require companies to disclose how much tax they paid for a given year. Why doesn't FASB require that now? Apparently because the appropriate parties, whoever they may be, haven't asked.

????"The FASB has not received any recent requests relating to the information currently provided about income taxes," says FASB spokesman Robert Stewart. "The FASB is always willing to consider ways to improve the usefulness of financial information for investors."

????Okay, I'm requesting. Anyone want to second me?








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