







專欄 - 財富書簽


貝絲?考文特 2011年12月13日

《財富》書簽(Weekly Read)專欄專門刊載《財富》雜志(Fortune)編輯團隊的書評,解讀商界及其他領域的新書。我們每周都會選登一篇新的評論。
在本期專欄中,作家兼記者貝絲?考文特將為您解讀全球零售巨擘瑞典宜家家居公司(Ikea)前CEO安德斯?達爾維格的著作《宜家之道》(The Ikea Edge)。

????達爾維格詮釋了宜家保持其低成本優(yōu)勢的手法,就是通過批量購買貨物,控制整個供應鏈等。這跟好市多公司(Costco)和喬氏連鎖店(Trader Joe's)的經(jīng)營策略并無二致。此外,宜家公司還把組裝和運輸貨物等任務委托給顧客,讓他們親自參與分銷流程。達爾維格聲稱,顧客自身參與的事情越多,他們獲得的購物體驗就越好(對于那些徘徊在宜家倉庫周圍,對著Grevb?ck書柜或Folldal床架這類家具束手無策的人來說,這種說法或許值得商榷)。







????Dahlvig explains how Ikea keeps its costs low by buying in bulk and controlling the entire supply chain, not unlike Costco (COST) or Trader Joe's. The company also uses you, the customer, to help with distribution by delegating tasks like assembling and transporting purchases. Dahlvig claims consumers actually feel like they're getting a better experience when they're doing more themselves. (This point may be debatable for anyone who's ever wandered around an Ikea warehouse looking for the likes of a Grevb?ck bookcase or Folldal bedframe.)

????But Dahlvig argues that customers are compensated for their troubles: The bigger the role you take on in the supply chain, he points out, the lower the price tag. If you don't want to spend your Saturday afternoon poring over an Ikea instruction manual, you don't have to; you can select to have your furniture delivered and buy items that don't require much assembly. But you have to be willing to pay more as a result.

????If you're looking for the Ikea story or a deep Ikea timeline, this book is not for you. Dahlvig gives fair warning right from the start that this is not his goal; rather, he's using his long-time employer as an example of how a big corporation can do the right thing.

????Dahlvig does give a brief history of Ikea's evolution into the privately held retail giant that generated $31 billion in 2009. But more often than not, the book is about management -- motivating and inspiring employees, keeping an entrepreneurial streak as a company grows, creating loyalty and diversity, the role of a CEO. The book is rich in ideas about how to take a brand that has a strong regional culture and make it global. While some of these lessons are helpful and refreshing (Dahlvig suggests having numerous people report to you so you don't have time to micromanage or hover), I wanted more of a personal story about his time at the company. Instead the book is written in the style of Ikea itself: practical and no-frills.

????Dahlvig does provide some telling examples about Ikea's operations. Take, for example, that its restaurants generate $1.5 billion in sales. But the main reason behind those 15 Swedish meatballs for $3.99 is not to make a profit -- it's to highlight the store's low prices and get the customer to shop longer. Or consider that in 2008, when Ikea had 125,000 employees and $29 billion in sales, its global staff functions like HR, legal, and property only had 260 members. Little snippets like these only made me want more.

????By the end of the book it's clear that a company like Ikea could only have come out of a Scandinavian country like Sweden. Dahlvig, who spent 26 years at Ikea and started as a store manager, warns against things like setting high salaries because you'll attract people who are only in it for the money. He makes statements such as a "company's reason for existence should be to contribute to a better society." It's hard to imagine these words coming out of the mouths of most U.S. CEOs. But it might serve them well if they at least read the book.

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