????近日,美國國際貿(mào)易委員會(U.S. International Trade Commission)作出裁決,臺灣手機廠商宏達電(HTC)侵犯了蘋果公司(Apple)的一項軟件專利。利用這項技術,用戶可以通過點擊內(nèi)嵌在電子郵件中的電話號碼,直接完成撥號操作。裁決一出,宏達電發(fā)表聲明說,這對于它而言實際上“是場勝利”。而業(yè)內(nèi)諸多評論人士對此聲明亦缺乏深入的理解。宏達電還表示,上述功能不過是蘋果公司斷言屬于它的10項專利之一。而且,搭載谷歌安卓系統(tǒng)的宏達電手機已經(jīng)找到了移除該特性的辦法。 ????現(xiàn)在看來,出于同樣的原因,摩托羅拉公司(Motorola)很可能也得在其手機上放棄一個功能。利用該功能,用戶可在智能手機圖片庫中隨意瀏覽翻頁,或者直接點擊放大其中的某一頁。美國專利博客網(wǎng)站FOSS Patents的弗洛里恩?穆勒表示,慕尼黑的一家法院很可能將于本周二(今天)做出裁決,摩托羅拉的安卓手機也侵犯了蘋果公司的這項專利。今年8月,荷蘭一家法院已經(jīng)裁定另一家安卓手機廠商三星公司(Samsung)放棄這項特性。 ????無論在上述哪個案例中,蘋果都未能置對手于死地。但是,穆勒稱,在這場消耗戰(zhàn)中,蘋果在不斷向前推進,而安卓手機廠商每次都被迫修改一項智能手機特性,以避免侵犯蘋果的原創(chuàng)設計。穆勒還接著說,這一切正是史蒂夫?喬布斯一直希望看到的。 ????“盡管一兩次此類勝利尚不足以改變消費者的使用偏好,”穆勒寫道,“但是,如果能夠鞏固6項甚至更多這類專利的所有權,最終累加的效果就會對用戶體驗產(chǎn)生可觀的影響?!?/p> ????穆勒說,蘋果是在為長遠的發(fā)展機遇而戰(zhàn)。 ????“只要沒有巨大的壓力,蘋果完全有時間逐個擊破,一個國家一個國家地推進。在這種此消彼長的競爭中,穩(wěn)扎穩(wěn)扎遠比畢其功于一役來得重要?!?/p> ????譯者:大海 |
????Many commentators took at face value HTC's declaration of "an actual victory" after the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled that it had infringed Apple's (AAPL) patent on software that allowed a user to dial a number embedded in an e-mail simply by clicking on it. That particular feature was only one of 10 patents Apple had tried to assert, HTC argued, and the Taiwanese manufacturer of Google (GOOG) Android phones had already found a way to remove it. ????Now it looks like Motorola (MOT) may have to do something similar about Apple's patented method of flipping through pages in a smartphone photo gallery and zooming in on a particular image. According to FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller, a court in Munich is likely to rule in February that Motorola's Android phones infringe this patent as well. Another Android phone manufacturer -- Samsung -- was already forced to drop the feature by a Dutch court's injunction in August. ????Neither case constitutes a knockout blow for Apple, but Mueller argues that the company is making headway in a war of attrition in which Android manufacturers have to modify their smartphones one feature at a time to work around Apple's original ideas -- which, he says, is what Steve Jobs wanted all along. ????"While one or two wins of this kind won't be enough to change consumer preferences," Mueller writes, "the aggregate effect of the enforcement of half a dozen or more patents of this kind could make an appreciable difference in user experience." ????Apple, he says, is fighting for long-term opportunities. ????"As long as it doesn't come under enormous pressure, it can afford to crack one nut at a time, country by country. In this you-win-some-you-lose-some game, a substantial drop-out rate is less important than steady progress." |