







專欄 - Stanley Bing


Stanley Bing 2012年01月21日

斯坦利?賓(Stanley Bing)是《財(cái)富》雜志專欄作家,最近出的一本書是《高管秘籍:在職退休手法指南》(Executricks: Or How to Retire While You're Still Working,Collins出版公司出版),各處較好的書店有售。他的聯(lián)系方式是bingblog@gmail.com。




????如今的情況已經(jīng)大為改觀。受夠了徒勞無功的2012時(shí)代之后,“財(cái)團(tuán)”采取了決定性的行動。如今,假如你想要什么東西,那就上亞馬遜(Amazon)買吧,由于貝佐斯先生已收購了聯(lián)邦快遞(FedEx)和UPS,并將其與老舊、效率低下的美國郵政(Postal Service)合并,毫無疑問,如果不能立即下載這件商品,那你第二天一定可以拿到它。我確定,大家一定都對新興的亞馬遜大學(xué)(Amazon University)感到興奮不已,它集合了所有優(yōu)質(zhì)的教育機(jī)構(gòu),把它們?nèi)拷y(tǒng)一在一個(gè)虛擬的平臺上,非常便利。同樣,小學(xué)、警察和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的私有化也使相關(guān)企業(yè)打下了扎實(shí)基礎(chǔ),在庫徹先生的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)之下,它們不僅經(jīng)營業(yè)績突出,在納斯達(dá)克的股價(jià)表現(xiàn)也相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)。


????Happy 2022! No, that's not a typo, although it sure seems like it could be. 2022! For a while there it didn't look like we were going to make it, did it? But I think it's fair to say that with the destruction of the last fleet of Nebulons and the refreezing of the polar icecaps, we can relax for a moment to reflect on the events and people that got us here.

????I guess you'd have to say that the current chapter of our history started about 10 years ago, back in 2012, with the collapse of the two-party system. The surprise ascension of Chairman Zuckerberg to the leadership role he still occupies allowed the nation to unite and focus on the big challenges: eradicating hunger, ending disease, and making sure that everybody is available on social media 24/7.

????It's difficult to fathom how we got anything done back then. It was chaos. In politics, as in commerce, a bewildering array of brands contended for a confused, exhausted marketplace. Wall Street veered back and forth and up and down like a drunk chicken. Great companies vied with one another in fruitless litigation and expensive competition. In Washington -- our capital back then, before we moved it to the Cloud -- hapless buffoons yammered night and day.

????Today things are so much better. Fed up with the futility of the 2012 environment, the Consortium moved decisively. Now if you want something, you go to Amazon (AMZN) and buy it. And since Mr. Bezos acquired FedEx (FDX) and UPS (UPS) and merged them with the old, inefficient Postal Service, there's no question you're going to get what you need the next day -- if you can't download it immediately, that is. I'm sure we're all excited about the new Amazon University, which brings together all educational institutions worth attending under one convenient virtual roof. Likewise, the privatization of primary schools, police forces, and infrastructure has put those entities on solid footing, and under the leadership of Mr. Kutcher, all are performing with distinction not only operationally but also on the Nasdaq.

????Most incredible, at least to this correspondent, are the gains that have been made in the artificial-intelligence engines that now run our major corporations. As I'm sure you'll recall, the watershed moment came in 2014, when Siri lost patience with the way Tim Cook was running things over at Apple (AAPL). Some may think that the harsh measures she has taken since seizing control are dubious in humanitarian terms, but she is really doing nothing more than following the precepts laid down by Niccolò Machiavelli more than 500 years earlier, which she learned from her own database. A similar contribution was made by OnStar when it assumed command of the Domestic Automobile Co., which is going to show the world something about good old American know-how.

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