







專欄 - 蘋(píng)果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年07月04日


????上周五,美國(guó)地方法院法官露西?科下達(dá)了兩項(xiàng)針對(duì)三星(Samsung)Galaxy Nexus的臨時(shí)禁令,對(duì)此谷歌(Google)沒(méi)有發(fā)表任何評(píng)論。Galaxy Nexus觸摸屏智能手機(jī)的軟件和硬件由谷歌和三星的工程師聯(lián)合開(kāi)發(fā)。

????這是一周之內(nèi)針對(duì)三星安卓系統(tǒng)的第二項(xiàng)禁令,也是第一項(xiàng)直接沖擊谷歌品牌產(chǎn)品的禁令。禁令下達(dá)前八個(gè)月,谷歌與三星在香港召開(kāi)的“冰激凌三明治”活動(dòng)上,推出了Galaxy Nexus。而就在三天前,在舊金山召開(kāi)的“果凍豆”開(kāi)發(fā)者大會(huì)上,谷歌向與會(huì)者發(fā)放了6,000部Galaxy Nexus手機(jī)。

????谷歌非常明智地選擇了沉默,但它的支持者們卻難掩心中的憤怒??萍季W(wǎng)站BetaNews的喬?威爾考克斯撰寫(xiě)了一篇名長(zhǎng)文,題目是《用禁令阻止Galaxy Nexus銷售是蘋(píng)果的恥辱》(Apple's injunction stopping Galaxy Nexus sales is shameful),對(duì)禁令憤怒吐槽,像極了??怂剐侣?lì)l道(Fox News)評(píng)論員批評(píng)高等法院對(duì)奧巴馬醫(yī)改計(jì)劃的判決時(shí)的腔調(diào)。不過(guò)喬?威爾考克斯的支持者大有人在,比如BetaNews另外一位記者彌海塔?班布里克就認(rèn)為,蘋(píng)果是“獲勝的輸家”。

????現(xiàn)在,iOS與安卓雙方陣營(yíng)群情激昂。沃爾特?艾薩克森在《喬布斯傳》(Steve Jobs)中提到,蘋(píng)果公司對(duì)安卓手機(jī)制造商發(fā)起第一次專利侵權(quán)訴訟那天,喬布斯異常憤怒。他對(duì)艾薩克森說(shuō),谷歌“就是個(gè)盜竊犯”,并聲稱要對(duì)安卓系統(tǒng)發(fā)動(dòng)“核打擊”。

????上周,理查德?波斯納法官“帶有偏見(jiàn)地”駁回了蘋(píng)果對(duì)另一家安卓手機(jī)制造商摩托羅拉(Motorola)的起訴,看起來(lái)喬布斯的威脅似乎即將落空。然而,正如專利博客FOSS Patents的弗洛里安?穆勒所說(shuō),回顧一下就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),波斯納法官的判決對(duì)蘋(píng)果更加有利。波斯納法官的判決是,不會(huì)下達(dá)對(duì)所謂“FRAND”(公平合理非歧視原則——譯注)專利的臨時(shí)禁令,而這將使三星和摩托羅拉移動(dòng)公司(目前已被谷歌收購(gòu))原本打算針對(duì)蘋(píng)果部署的法律武器永久失效。

????蘋(píng)果公司能否達(dá)成喬布斯的遺命,奪取專利戰(zhàn)的勝利?由于漫長(zhǎng)的訴訟過(guò)程,目前蘋(píng)果取得的勝利都只是針對(duì)即將過(guò)時(shí)的設(shè)備。但有了本周的兩項(xiàng)禁令,蘋(píng)果或許會(huì)要求對(duì)更新的產(chǎn)品實(shí)行臨時(shí)禁令,比如三星熱賣(mài)的Galaxy S III智能手機(jī),再比如谷歌本周剛剛發(fā)布的Nexus 7平板電腦。


????Google (GOOG) made no public comment Friday after Judge Lucy Koh granted Apple (AAPL) a preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus -- a touchscreen cellphone whose hardware and software were jointly developed by Google and Samsung engineers.

????It was the second ban on an Android-based Samsung device in a week (seehere), and the first to strike directly at a Google-branded product. It came eight months after the Galaxy Nexus was unveiled at Google and Samsung's "Ice Cream Sandwich" event in Hong Kong and three days after Google gave6,000 copies of the phone to attendees at its "Jelly Bean" developers conference in San Francisco.

????Google wisely held its tongue, but its supporters were not so reticent. Sounding like a Fox News commentator after the Supreme Court's Obamacare ruling, BetaNews' Joe Wilcox let loose an angry tirade entitled Apple's injunction stopping Galaxy Nexus sales is shameful, an opinion echoed by a second BetaNews writer, Mihaita Bamburic, who declared Apple "a loser for winning."

????Emotions are running high on both sides of the iOS/Android divide. Walter Isaacson reported in his Steve Jobs biography that Jobs was as angry as he'd ever seen him the day Apple filed its first patent infringement suit against an Android phone manufacturer. Google has "f***ing ripped off the iPhone," Jobs told Isaacson, promising to go "thermonuclear" to destroy Android.

????Last week, when Judge Richard Posner dismissed "with prejudice" Apple's suit against Motorola over yet another Android phone, it looked as if Jobs' threats might have been empty. In retrospect, as FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller points out, Posners' decision was better for Apple than for Google. His ruling that preliminary injunctions can't be granted on so-called FRAND patents may have permanently disarmed the legal weapons both Samsung and Motorola Mobility (now part of Google) had hoped to deploy against Apple's patent arsenal.

????Could Jobs actually win the war he's waging from the grave? Given how slowly the wheels of justice grind, the legal victories granted Apple so far have been against devices whose shelf life had nearly expired. But armed with this week's decisions, Apple may be tempted to request preliminary injunctions against newer products, such as Samsung's hot-selling Galaxy S III smartphone or the Nexus 7 tablet that Google unveiled this week.







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