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蘋(píng)果收購(gòu)Twitter? 沒(méi)影的事。

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年07月31日



????上周五我在《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)發(fā)表了一篇文章,打頭一句就說(shuō)過(guò):“蘋(píng)果(Apple)永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)收購(gòu)Twitter”。但是上周六的《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(New York Times)的文章標(biāo)題卻赫然寫(xiě)道,蘋(píng)果官方表示有意考慮收購(gòu)Twitter的股份??吹竭@篇報(bào)道,我的心簡(jiǎn)直停跳了一拍。難道我錯(cuò)了?


????《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》的報(bào)道見(jiàn)報(bào)幾個(gè)小時(shí)后,《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》(Wall Street Journal)也發(fā)表了一篇文章跟進(jìn)這個(gè)消息。從《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》的報(bào)道看,蘋(píng)果對(duì)Twitter的收購(gòu)似乎更遙不可及。據(jù)《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》的一位“熟悉雙方談判內(nèi)情”的人士表示,蘋(píng)果和Twitter的談判早在一年多以前就開(kāi)始了,而不是像《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》所說(shuō)的那樣,是在“最近幾個(gè)月”。






????而Twitter首席執(zhí)行官迪克?科斯特洛本月初對(duì)《洛杉磯時(shí)報(bào)》(L.A. Times)稱,他的公司并不急于上市或出售。他說(shuō),Twitter“在銀行里還有一卡車的錢(qián)。”




????Having posted a piece Friday suggesting -- right in the first sentence -- that Apple (AAPL) would never buy Twitter, my heart stopped briefly when I saw the headline Apple Officials Said to Consider Stake in Twitter in Saturday's New York Times.Could I have been wrong?

????I calmed down a bit when I read Evelyn Rusli and Nick Bilton's piece. These were discussions, not a deal. About an investment, not an acquisition. And the negotiations were over. Done. Kaput.

????The Wall Street Journal's catch-up-to-the-Timespiece, posted a few hours later, made an acquisition seem even more remote. According to the Journal's "person familiar with the talks," the discussions occurred more than a year ago, not in "recent months" as the Times had it.

????Both papers implied, without actually saying it, that the proposed investment was never consummated.

????But so what if Apple had invested a few hundred million dollars in Twitter? That's the kind of deal I can see making sense for both parties.

????For a couple days worth of iPhone revenue, Apple gets the kind of cooperation from Twitter that itdoesn't get from Facebook (FB).And Twitter can postpone a little longer the day it has to junk up its elegant 140-character messaging service with a flood of intrusive advertising.

????Apple is a company famous for sticking to its knitting which is -- as Tim Cook reminds us at every opportunity -- making the "very best products in the world" and selling millions of them at profit margins that are the envy of the rest of the industry. Everything else it does -- from iTunes to the Genius Bar -- it does in support of those hardware sales.

????"Does Apple need to be social? Yes." Cook asked himself rhetorically at a tech conference this spring. "Apple doesn't have to own a social network."

????For his part, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo told the L.A. Times earlier this month that his company was in no hurry go public or find a buyer.Twitter has, he said, "a truckload of money in the bank."

????He did not say if any of it was Apple's.

????UPDATE: Bloomberg reported Sunday that according to one source "familiar with the matter," discussions of an Apple investment in Twitter ended "without an agreement."







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