







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2012年08月10日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力、全球化、股東價值創(chuàng)造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學(xué)斯特恩商學(xué)院MBA學(xué)位,哈佛大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)榮譽學(xué)位。



????高度的不確定性創(chuàng)造出了一種癱瘓循環(huán),這就是我們目前所處的境地。決策者們不知道將發(fā)生什么事情,只好袖手旁觀,美聯(lián)儲(the Federal Reserve)近期的表現(xiàn)就是這樣。會議紀(jì)要顯示,在最近一次聯(lián)邦公開市場委員會(Federal Open Market Committee)會議上,“幾乎所有的與會者”都表示,目前的經(jīng)濟(jì)前景比過去20年更加不確定;這個委員會沒有采取任何行動,道瓊斯指數(shù)隨之跌落。會議紀(jì)要還顯示,商界領(lǐng)袖告訴委員會成員,“業(yè)已加大的不確定性”導(dǎo)致他們“暫時擱置潛在的投資項目,直至這種不確定性得以解決?!蹦敲矗@些商界領(lǐng)袖所不確定的究竟是什么?答案是政府的政策。一項由斯坦福大學(xué)(Stanford University)和芝加哥大學(xué)(University of Chicago)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家創(chuàng)造的政策不確定性指數(shù)可以支持他們的觀點,該指數(shù)顯示,近幾個月的政策不確定性比過去25年要高出很多。


????與之類似的情形還包括今年年底將出現(xiàn)的“財政懸崖(fiscal cliff)”——聯(lián)邦開支的強制性削減和布什減稅政策到期這一致命組合。即便假設(shè)國會最終避免了聯(lián)邦財政墜入萬劫不復(fù)的深淵,也沒有人知道這一幕的具體情形。著眼于短期的修復(fù)措施(這是迄今為止最有可能出現(xiàn)的結(jié)果)將對促使經(jīng)濟(jì)增長毫無助益,原因是,這種措施會讓商界人士不知道接下來會發(fā)生什么事情。投資和雇傭并不是什么短期決策。哈佛大學(xué)(Harvard University)教授阿布迪韋利?阿里得出這樣的研究結(jié)論:“信心的缺失,以及對經(jīng)濟(jì)政策穩(wěn)定性的質(zhì)疑,迫使投資者推遲資本投資……不可能每次政府扭轉(zhuǎn)經(jīng)濟(jì)政策時,他們也跟著撤銷固定資本投資的決策?!?/p>

????它不僅僅涉及到經(jīng)濟(jì)政策。不確定性正在帶來切實的痛楚。據(jù)超黨派的國會預(yù)算辦公室(Congressional Budget Office)預(yù)測,僅僅財政懸崖引發(fā)的不確定性就足以使美國下半年的經(jīng)濟(jì)增速減少0.5個百分點。在一個增長率不到2%的經(jīng)濟(jì)體中,這無疑是一個大麻煩,這意味著數(shù)十億美元將無法用來雇傭新員工。




????When CEOs tell me that their No. 1 concern is uncertainty, as a great many do, my first reaction is skepticism. Please. Life is uncertain. Is this moment really different?

????Actually it is: Economic uncertainty, especially policy uncertainty, is greater than it has been in many years. And if you're wondering why the U.S. economy is barely moving or why millions of workers can't find jobs, extraordinary uncertainty is a major part -- maybe the largest part -- of the answer.

????High uncertainty creates a loop of paralysis, and that's what we're in right now. Policymakers have no idea what's going to happen, so they sit on their hands, as the Federal Reserve did recently. "Nearly all participants" in the latest Federal Open Market Committee meeting said that the economic outlook was more uncertain than it had been over the past 20 years, according to the minutes; the committee took no action, and the Dow dropped. The minutes also reported that business leaders were telling committee members that "heightened uncertainty" had led them "to put potential investment projects on hold until the uncertainty is resolved." And what were those business leaders uncertain about? Government policy. An index of policy uncertainty created by economists at Stanford and the University of Chicago backs their view, showing that policy uncertainty has been much higher in recent months than during the previous 25 years.

????The business leaders were most uncertain about tax and regulatory issues. Those things are always changeable, but the potential swings could make you dizzy. After the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare in June, Mitt Romney and Republican congressional leaders promised to repeal it if they win the election in November. So the biggest-ever regulation of the largest sector of the world's largest economy, affecting every employer and individual in the country, either will continue as the law of the land or will disappear. Who can even think about planning in those circumstances?

????It's similar with the fiscal cliff at year-end: the killer combination of mandatory cuts in federal spending and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Even assuming that Congress averts a plunge over the edge, no one knows how it will happen. A short-term fix, by far the likeliest outcome, will do nothing to get the economy moving because it leaves businesspeople wondering what comes next. Investment and hiring decisions are not short-term. Research by Abdiweli M. Ali of Harvard concluded, "Lack of confidence and skepticism about the stability of economic policies force investors to postpone capital investment ... They cannot undo decisions about fixed capital every time the government reverses its economic policy."

????This isn't just economic theory. Uncertainty is creating real suffering. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that uncertainty about the fiscal cliff alone could reduce U.S. economic growth by 0.5% in the second half. In an economy growing at less than 2%, that's a lot, representing billions of dollars that won't be available to hire people.

????Who's to blame? A hyperpolarized Congress is an uncertainty-generating machine. Obamacare was enacted without a single Republican vote in either chamber; when the House voted recently to repeal the law, only five Democrats voted with 239 Republicans. The message to businesspeople: Don't count on anything that passes without substantial bipartisan support. And little of significance seems to be enacted that way anymore.

????Another thing CEOs often tell me is that the precise content of policy may be less important than its predictability. If they know the rules, they'll play to win. It's when they don't know the rules, like now, that they get stuck. Give the election's winners, whoever they are, until March to show that they're leaders rather than kids throwing tantrums. Until then -- and who knows, maybe beyond -- we're going nowhere fast.







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