







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年09月04日

上周,十億美元專利官司塵埃落定之后,蘋果修改了第二輪專利訴訟的內(nèi)容。新的訴訟涉及三星21款新設(shè)備,包括現(xiàn)在熱銷的Galaxy S III智能手機(jī)和Galaxy Note平板電腦。


????蘋果公司(Apple)聲稱,三星(Samsung)“繼續(xù)在市場上銷售仿制產(chǎn)品”。于是蘋果在周五再度向圣何塞聯(lián)邦法院起訴另外21款“侵權(quán)產(chǎn)品”,其中包括三星的熱銷產(chǎn)品Galaxy S III和Galaxy Note。


????而蘋果此次起訴的對象則是三星在2011年8月到2012年8月期間發(fā)布的另外21款安卓手機(jī)與平板電腦,其中包括Galaxy S III與Galaxy Note。蘋果將此案稱為“新訴訟”,以免和其稱為“先前的案子”混淆。

????Galaxy Note是一款5.3英寸超級平板手機(jī),在這款產(chǎn)品的電視廣告中,三星繼續(xù)將矛頭對準(zhǔn)iPhone手機(jī),諷刺排隊(duì)購買最新蘋果產(chǎn)品的愚忠果粉。

????而三星六月份推出的Galaxy S III“旗艦版”智能手機(jī),一直頗受好評,并迅速熱銷。科技資訊網(wǎng)CNET將該款手機(jī)評為編輯推薦級別。據(jù)三星稱,在不到一個(gè)月時(shí)間內(nèi),Galaxy S III手機(jī)的銷量就達(dá)到了1,000萬臺,讓三星和安卓一躍超過蘋果和iOS,成為今年夏天新的智能手機(jī)市場領(lǐng)頭羊。


????? '647 —— 在計(jì)算機(jī)生成數(shù)據(jù)的框架上執(zhí)行動(dòng)作的系統(tǒng)與方法

????? '959 —— 計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)內(nèi)檢索信息的通用界面

????? '721 —— 在解鎖圖像上通過手勢為設(shè)備解鎖

????? '172 —— 提供文字建議的方法、系統(tǒng)與圖形用戶界面

????? '760 —— 移動(dòng)多功能設(shè)備未接電話管理

????? '502 —— 域級別使用歷史列表的圖形用戶界面

????? '414 —— 多設(shè)備間不同數(shù)據(jù)的同步

????? '604 —— 計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)內(nèi)檢索信息的通用界面




????Claiming that Samsung has "continued to flood the market with copycat products," Apple (AAPL) on Friday asked a federal court in San Jose for a new jury trial to rule on 21 more "infringing products" -- including Samsung's best-selling Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note.

????The filing, an amendment to a suit filed in February, comes one week to the day after a Silicon Valley jury socked Samsung with $1.05 billion in damages for infringing Apple patents with a wave of older devices running Google's (GOOG) Android operating system.

????The new case -- not to be confused with what Apple now refers to as "the Earlier Case" -- targets 21 more Android phones and tablets released by Samsung between August 2011 and August 2012, chief among them the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note.

????The Note is the 5.3-inch hybrid tablet/phone with which Samsung attacked the iPhone in TV ads mocking the diehard fans who queue up for latest Apple product.

????The "flagship" Galaxy S III smartphone, introduced in June, was particularly well reviewed -- CNETawarded it an Editor's Choice rating -- and sold briskly. According to Samsung, it took the company less than a month to sell 10 million units, helping vault Samsung -- and Android -- well ahead of Apple and iOS in this summer's race for smartphone supremacy.

????The amended complaint charges that with these 21 products, Samsung has infringed on eight additional Apple patents. They are, according to the filing:

????? '647 -- system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer generated data

????? '959 -- universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system

????? '721 -- unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image

????? '172 -- method, system and graphical user interface for providing word recommendations

????? '760 -- missed telephone call management for a portable multifunction device

????? '502 -- graphical user interface using historical lists with field classes

????? '414 -- asynchronous data synchronization amongst devices

????? '604 -- universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system

????The trial is tentatively scheduled for March 2014.

????AppleInsider has made a pdf of the amended complaint available here.

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