







專(zhuān)欄 - 今日科技速遞


JP Mangalindan 2012年12月07日


Twitter將不再顯示Instagram的照片 《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》




谷歌繼續(xù)挺進(jìn)蘋(píng)果領(lǐng)地 《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》


iTunes完美升級(jí),音質(zhì)無(wú)損? 科技資訊博客


再看“優(yōu)先移動(dòng)”策略 調(diào)研機(jī)構(gòu)AVC

????困難不應(yīng)該是放棄嘗試的理由。我深信,新的大規(guī)模面向消費(fèi)者的服務(wù)(consumer facing services)將利用移動(dòng)設(shè)備作為主要用戶界面。這個(gè)假期中,創(chuàng)新租車(chē)服務(wù)Uber和手工藝品銷(xiāo)售網(wǎng)站Etsy的成功就說(shuō)明了這一點(diǎn)。移動(dòng)設(shè)備正是用戶現(xiàn)在花時(shí)間最多的地方。如果不為這一正迅速成為主導(dǎo)的用戶界面設(shè)計(jì)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),就無(wú)法使自己的業(yè)務(wù)獲得長(zhǎng)期成功。

Twitter loses ability to properly display Instagram photos?[THE NEW YORK TIMES]

????"We've decided that right now, what makes sense, is to direct our users to the Instagram Web site," Mr. Systrom said, noting that Instagram images will soon no longer be visible on Twitter. "Obviously things change as a company evolves."

????Mr. Systrom did not say when images will cesase to show up on the site.

????Instagram users will still be able to generate a tweet on Twitter when they post a photo. But when someone clicks on the Instagram link in those tweets, they will be taken out of the Twitter site or app and directed to Instagram's site to view it.

Google's explainer-in-chief can't explain Apple?[THE WALL STREET JOURNAL]

????As growth slows in its advertising business, Google has pushed further into hardware for its popular Android mobile operating system. Android represented 75% of smartphone shipments in the third quarter, according to IDC. Google's acquisition of hardware giant?Motorola?Mobility, which it bought for $12.5 billion in May, put the Mountain View, Calif., company at odds with its erstwhile partner Apple. The iPhone maker has pursued numerous lawsuits against hardware makers who use Android, claiming they rip off its own designs.

iTunes gets an upgrade without missing a beat?[ALL THINGS D]


????Overall, however, I found the new iTunes a pleasure to use. The venerable program is now brighter and more colorful, with clever and pleasing new capabilities and faster search. There is tighter integration between the library of media that resides on your computer and media stored in Apple's online iCloud service. Streaming from the cloud has been expanded. The store has also been made cleaner, simpler and easier to use.

Rethinking mobile first?[AVC]

????But just because something is hard doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do it. I am convinced the next set of large and valuable consumer facing services will be built with mobile as the primary user interface. You can see it in the success of Uber and?Etsy this holiday season. That's where you users are most of the time. And if you don't design your products and services for what is rapidly becoming the dominant UI, you will not maximize the success of your business in the long run.







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