







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2013年03月28日

Dan Primack專注于報(bào)道交易和交易撮合者,從美國(guó)金融業(yè)到風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資業(yè)均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務(wù)。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國(guó)馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經(jīng)營(yíng)一份社區(qū)報(bào)紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。


????1、為什么黑石集團(tuán)(Blackstone)不給邁克爾?戴爾打電話?昨天有傳言稱,邁克爾?戴爾準(zhǔn)備和黑石集團(tuán)坐下來談判??紤]到邁克爾最初向戴爾公司特別委員會(huì)所做的承諾,他這么做并不讓人驚訝。但據(jù)我所知,黑石在詢價(jià)階段從未主動(dòng)接觸過邁克爾——因?yàn)槲覀兌贾?,黑石曾通過秘密渠道聯(lián)系了戴爾的潛在首席執(zhí)行官接班人,比如馬克?赫德和麥克?凱普拉斯。所以不難想見,他們碰頭會(huì)有多尷尬??赡茉诤谑磥恚~克爾和銀湖投資(Silver Lake)純屬穿連襠褲的,所以不會(huì)跟他談,但怎么一個(gè)投資意向就改變了這一格局呢?


????2. 交易跟戴夫?約翰遜到底是什么關(guān)系?戴夫曾在戴爾主管并購(gòu)業(yè)務(wù),今年初才加盟黑石。坊間關(guān)于他有兩種說法。一種是,他是讓邁克爾?戴爾加入黑石團(tuán)隊(duì)的關(guān)鍵人物;另一種是,邁克爾?戴爾再也不想和他有任何生意往來。換言之,他是在推動(dòng)戴爾公司做好出售的準(zhǔn)備后,才高高興興地離職去另謀高就的嗎?還是說,他是被掃地出門的?這真是個(gè)“看你是在跟誰說”的情況,對(duì)此,我也沒有明確答案。

????3. 一個(gè)陰謀論揭穿另一個(gè)陰謀論?黑石是仍受到聯(lián)邦陰謀案監(jiān)管的四大私募股權(quán)基金之一。這個(gè)案子指控稱,金融危機(jī)發(fā)生前,共有10家公司(包括銀湖在內(nèi))在近24個(gè)并購(gòu)案中以不正當(dāng)手段操縱交易。現(xiàn)在指控的范圍縮小了,主要 關(guān)注“越級(jí)交易”的行為,或是在其他公司已經(jīng)簽署了獨(dú)家協(xié)議后還繼續(xù)競(jìng)價(jià)的行為。所以,現(xiàn)在有種說法稱,黑石對(duì)戴爾出價(jià)就足以證明它肯定會(huì)越級(jí)交易。說實(shí)話,這種說法沒有根據(jù)。不過考慮一下這種可能性倒有點(diǎn)意思。畢竟,黑石到現(xiàn)在為止還沒有花一分錢呢。

????4、伊坎想找個(gè)合作伙伴?有傳言稱,投機(jī)大亨卡爾?伊坎對(duì)與黑石合作持“開放”態(tài)度。他確實(shí)如此。他 在相關(guān)新聞里表示,他對(duì)舉辦“100美元免單日”的當(dāng)?shù)劂y行同樣持“開放”態(tài)度。


????I spent much of yesterday working on Dell (what else?), but woke up with more questions than answers. So my top six are below. Oh, and for the sake of clarity, I'm now just going to refer to Michael Dell as "Michael" -- since writing intelligibly about both him and his eponymous company has become a bit confusing.

????1. Why didn't Blackstone call Michael Dell? There were reports yesterday that Michael Dell is planning to sit down with The Blackstone Group (BX). Not too surprising, based on Michael's original promises to Dell's (DELL) special committee. But my understanding is that Blackstone never reached out to Michael during the "go-shop" process – while we do know that it used back-channels to contact possible CEO replacements like Mark Hurd and Mike Capellas. So imagine how awkward this meeting is going to be. Maybe Blackstone viewed Michael and Silver Lake as too tied at the hip to have such talks, but how does an indication of interest change that?

????Moreover, if Blackstone doesn't get Michael's participation, how does it manage to get financing? I don't mean his rolled-over shares – but money from banks who won't necessarily be able to meet with a friendly management team. Remember when I originally suggested this whole situation could lead to a quasi-hostile bid. Well…

????2. What's the deal with Dave Johnson? There are two schools of thought on David Johnson, the former Dell M&A boss who joined Blackstone early this year. Either he is the lynchpin for getting Michael Dell to join Blackstone's team, or he's a guy with whom Michael Dell has no interest in doing business ever again. In other words, did he leave happily for a new opportunity after getting Dell Inc. ready to sell? Or was he pushed out? This really is a "depends who you speak to" sort of situation, which leaves me without a definitive answer.

????3. A conspiracy theory to debunk a conspiracy theory? Blackstone is one of four private equity firms still subject to a federal conspiracy case, which originally alleged that 10 firms (including Silver Lake) had rigged bids on nearly two dozen pre-crisis buyouts. The narrowed complaint now concerns the issue of deal-jumping, or making rival bids after another firm already has a signed proprietary agreement. So, there is a theory floating out there that Blackstone is bidding on Dell to prove that it will, indeed, jump a deal. To be clear, there is no evidence to support this theory. But it's fun to think about. After all, Blackstone hasn't really spent any money (yet).

????4. Icahn wants to partner? There are reports that Carl Icahn is "open" to a partnership with Blackstone. Well of course he is. In related news, I'm open to my local bank branch holding "free $100 bill day."

????5. How does Dell handle the proxy? Word is that the proxy is coming tomorrow or Thursday. As I mentioned yesterday, it will be a tightrope act. On one hand, Michael needs to convince shareholders that Dell faces huge challenges ahead and that he's taking enormous personal risk. On the other hand, he can't be so dire as to freak out customers and employees. My guess is it will include at least a few subtle jabs at the rival bidders' understanding of the company (Icahn math, part II).

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