







專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


Dan Primack 2013年07月03日

Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業(yè)到風(fēng)險投資業(yè)均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務(wù)。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經(jīng)營一份社區(qū)報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。

????上周,私募股權(quán)基金公司太陽資本(Sun Capital Partners)同意將美國廚衛(wèi)生產(chǎn)商美標(biāo)公司(American Standard)以5.42億美元的價格出讓給日本驪住集團(Lixil Group),這個價格是當(dāng)年太陽資本收購美標(biāo)公司時的一倍多。誰都不會想到,六年前如果沒有太陽資本,美標(biāo)可能就“停業(yè)”了。



????太陽資本一直都在謹(jǐn)慎的關(guān)注著競購美標(biāo)衛(wèi)浴及廚具業(yè)務(wù)部門的進程,主要是由于太陽資本當(dāng)時已經(jīng)擁有兩家美國衛(wèi)生潔具制造商:克蘭公司(Crane Plumbing)和雅佳公司(Eljer Plumbingware)。這兩家公司都是太陽資本在2005年收購的。當(dāng)太陽資本得知只剩下貝恩資本(Bain Capital)和塞克資本(SAC Capital)兩家還在角逐時,太陽資本向貝恩資本提出了一個交易提議。


????貝恩資本最終以17.5億美元收購了美標(biāo)衛(wèi)浴及廚具業(yè)務(wù)部門,并將后者的亞洲和歐洲業(yè)務(wù)重新冠名為Ideal Standard。太陽資本購買美標(biāo)美國區(qū)業(yè)務(wù)的1.3億美元中有5,000萬美元做為股本,使得太陽資本擁有了51%的股權(quán),略高于貝恩資本。其余則用來償還債務(wù)。


????Private equity firm Sun Capital Partners last week agreed to sell kitchen and bath company American Standard Brands to Japan's LIXIL Corp., in a $542 million deal that more than doubles Sun's original investment. Not exactly what too many folks would have imagined six years ago, when Sun was the only thing standing between American Standard and an "Out of Business" sign.

????American Standard has been a ubiquitous name in America's kitchens and bathrooms for more than 140 years, but it used to be part of a much larger conglomerate that also included large HVAC and vehicle controls divisions. By early 2007, however, the company listened to the Wall Street sirens and launched a breakup plan that would include the sale of its kitchen and bath unit to the highest bidder (the vehicle controls unit became publicly-traded WABCO, while the HVAC unit was sold to Ingersoll-Rand).

????Prospective bidders quickly learned that the kitchen and bath unit was "American" in name only, losing a bundle stateside while growing rapidly in Asia and Europe. In fact, it was expected that the ultimate winner would effectively shut down the American operations.

????Sun Capital had been paying careful attention to the process, in large part because it already owned a pair of much smaller U.S. fixture-makers: Crane Plumbing and Eljer Plumbingware, both of which Sun acquired in 2005. When Sun learned that the American Standard process was down to just Bain Capital and SAC Capital, it went to Bain with an offer.

????"We contacted them on a Friday when final bids were due on a Monday," recalls Sun Capital co-CEO Marc Leder. "They were valuing the American business at zero, or maybe even a bit less because of what it would cost to shut it down. So over that weekend we agreed to pay $130 million for a majority stake in the Americas business, which Bain took and added it onto its bid for the global business and outbid SAC. We have them an ironclad agreement that if they closed on the larger deal, we'd close simultaneously on the Americas piece."

????Bain won the overall deal for $1.75 billion, and would rename the Asia and European business Ideal Standard. The $130 million carve-out of American Standard was structured with $50 million of equity -- of which Sun put in slightly more than Bain for a 51% ownership stake. The remainder was debt.

????Sun's investment thesis was that American Standard had a lot of excess capacity, making the right products in the wrong places. For example, it was making certain low-volume, high-margin products in Mexico that would be better made in the U.S., and some higher-volume, lower-margin products that it thought should be made in Mexico. Sun also felt that the company was not doing nearly enough with product innovation, particularly when compared to market leader Kohler.

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