iPhone 5s大賣,庫克或許是個好CEO

????上周五,親眼目睹一家蘋果(Apple)零售店賣光了全部庫存的iPhone 5S,不得已把上千名排隊等候的人打發(fā)走之后,Twitter用戶iDawg提出了一個疑問: ????“如果某公司的產(chǎn)品總是斷貨,它的首席執(zhí)行官又怎么稱得上是運營天才?”這也是許多蘋果觀察家們想問的一個問題。 ????不過,蘋果本周一上午稱,它的iPhone 5S和5C的出貨量已突破900萬部,比去年iPhone 5的首發(fā)銷量高出80%之多。消息一出,頓時打消了許多人心中的這個疑問。 ????不過,我們向科技博客Asymco的博主賀拉斯?德迪歐請教了iDawg提出的這個問題。 ????德迪歐說:“這個問題跟所謂的運營天才沒有任何關(guān)系。蘋果每年都在擴大產(chǎn)量以滿足需求,不過廣大用戶的需求實在是太強勁了?!?/p>
????“我想提醒一下:蘋果對用戶的了解遠勝于我們。他們坐擁4億客戶,對用戶可謂了如指掌。這可比你向朋友打聽消息靠譜多了?!?/p> ????德迪歐總結(jié)了一張?zhí)O果和三星各款產(chǎn)品的首發(fā)量對比圖(如下):(財富中文網(wǎng)) ????譯者:項航?? |
????When Apple (AAPL) ran out of stock Friday and had to turn away thousands of would be iPhone 5S customers, a reader who calls himself iDawg tweeted a question that was on a lot of Apple watchers' minds: ????"How does CEO get a reputation as an operational genius by continually running out of stock." ????Not as many people were asking that question Monday morning after Apple reported that it sold more than 9 million units of the iPhone 5S and 5C, 80% better than its iPhone 5 sales last year. ????But we went ahead and put iDawg's question to Asymco's Horace Dediu anyway. ????"It has nothing to do with operational genius," he wrote. "Every year they expand distribution and every year they fill the channel but initial demand grows faster than can be supplied. ????"I will say one thing: Apple has a lot of information about demand which we don't. Having 400 million customers gives you a great deal of insight into markets. Certainly more than asking your friends." ????Below: Dediu's chart of comparative launch performances. |
