







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年03月06日





????? 《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)透露,三星向美國廣播公司支付了大約1800萬美元,購買了5分鐘黃金時段廣告,三星還獲準在直播活動中植入廣告,但具體費用未知。

????? 廣告分析機構(gòu)Ad Age表示,三星還贊助了10條Twitter自拍信息。它們無一不是大牌明星在奧斯卡典禮休息間的照片,均發(fā)自美國電影藝術(shù)與科學(xué)學(xué)院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences,奧斯卡獎舉辦機構(gòu))。

????? Twitter通過其Amplify計劃有償推廣這類信息,根據(jù)這個計劃,付費用戶會得到特殊的展現(xiàn)機會?!靖鶕?jù)Twitter官方博客的信息,本文的母公司時代集團(Time Inc)也是Amplify計劃的客戶之一?!?/p>


????德杰尼勒斯:梅麗爾,我有一個想法。你第18次獲得了(最佳女演員)提名,打破了歷史最高記錄,對吧?所以我想我們來試著打破另一項記錄——Twitter轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)次數(shù)最多的照片這項記錄?,F(xiàn)在我倆一起來拍張照,看看能不能打破Twitter轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)次數(shù)最多的記錄 -




????“雖然我們是奧斯卡的贊助商,而且與美國廣播公司有合作關(guān)系,但我們高興地看到艾倫很自然的將三星設(shè)備用到人們熱議的那張自拍照那一瞬間。它給所有人帶來了一個巨大的驚喜,沒人想到艾倫會捕捉到那樣一個瞬間。為了慶祝這一史詩般的時刻,也為了慶祝Twitter上近300萬的驚人轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)次數(shù),我們希望向艾倫選擇的慈善機構(gòu)——St Jude's以及(美國)人道協(xié)會捐款。三星將向這兩家慈善機構(gòu)分別捐贈150萬美元?!?/p>

????諷刺的注腳——多余的蘋果角度:三星向美國廣播公司支付的數(shù)百萬美元進入了沃爾特?迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)的金庫,而迪士尼的最大股東是勞倫娜?鮑威爾?喬布斯。史蒂夫?喬布斯的遺孀是全球最富有的女性之一——在本周的億萬富翁排行榜上名列第73位,而幫她登上榜單的迪士尼股票則是她從三星在智能手機大戰(zhàn)中的死敵(史蒂夫?喬布斯)那里繼承來的遺產(chǎn)。(財富中文網(wǎng))



????The photo had everything. Lights. Action. That sparkle of spontaneity. And subjects who really know how to smile for a camera.

????But the moment that turned into the world's most-retweeted post -- 3.1 million and counting -- wasn't 100% spontaneous. Rather, it was the fortuitous product of a carefully planned multimillion-dollar business arrangement that served the mutual interests of a Korean smartphone manufacturer, a social media powerhouse, a U.S. television network with a temporary global reach of 43 million viewers, and the biggest stars in Hollywood, for whom TV face-time is money.

????Among the deal's moving parts:

????? Samsung paid ABC roughly $18 million for 5 minutes worth of prime-time ads plus unspecified consideration for product placement throughout the broadcast, according to the Wall Street Journal.

????? According to Ad Age, Samsung also sponsored 10 tweets featuring celebrity "selfies" taken from the green room and sent via the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.

????? Twitter was paid to promote the selfies through its Twitter Amplify program, which gives preferential treatment to tweets posted by paying clients. (Full disclosure: According toTwitter, Time Inc., which publishes this blog, is one of those clients.)

????And that spontaneous moment? SlashGear's Chris Burns transcribed the opening dialogue between host Ellen DeGeneres and best-actress nominee Meryl Streep:

????DeGeneres: Meryl, here's my idea, ok, so you were nominated -- it's a record-breaking 18 times, right? So I thought we would try to break another record right now with the most re-tweets of a photo. So right now I'm going to take a picture of us, and we'll see if we can break the record for the most retweets -

????Streep: Get her in -- *points to Julia Roberts*

????What followed, for what it's worth, made Twitter history. "It was a great plug for the Samsung brand," WPP branding expert Allen Adamson told the Journal. "Ellen's selfie is going to be more impactful than their commercials. You can't buy that magic of going viral."

????Lest anyone be left with the impression that the photo was less than spontaneous, Samsung ponied up another $3 million and issued the following statement:

????"While we were a sponsor of the Oscars and had an integration with ABC, we were delighted to see Ellen organically incorporate the device into the selfie moment that had everyone talking. A great surprise for everyone, she captured something that nobody expected. In honor of this epic moment and of course, the incredible response of nearly 3 million re tweets, we wanted to make a donation to Ellen's charities of choice: St Jude's and the Humane Society [of the United States]. Samsung will donate 1.5 million dollars to each charity."

????IRONIC FOOTNOTE -- AND GRATUITOUS APPLE (AAPL) ANGLE: The millions Samsung paid ABC goes into the coffers of the Walt Disney Co. (DIS), whose largest shareholder is Laurene Powell Jobs. Steve Jobs' widow is one of richest women in the world -- No. 73 on this week's list of billionaires -- on the strength of the Disney shares she inhered from Samsung's arch enemy in the smartphone wars.







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