







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年11月20日



????北京時間本周一上午,蘋果(Apple)宣布已和中國銀聯(lián)達成協(xié)議,銀聯(lián)卡用戶在中國的蘋果應用商店(App Store)購買商品和服務將更加方便。中國已是蘋果應用下載的第二大市場。


????蘋果的新聞稿中沒有提及的一點是,散落在中國上千個大小城市的銀聯(lián)快捷支付(QuickPay)網(wǎng)點是否將支持蘋果支付(Apple Pay)。

????在蘋果推出這款無縫支付系統(tǒng)兩天后,也就是9月11日,中國商業(yè)媒體財新網(wǎng)(Caixin Online)曾報道,據(jù)傳蘋果支付和銀聯(lián)的談判陷入了僵局。

????到目前為止,只有內(nèi)置近場通信(NFC)信號發(fā)送器的iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus才能使用蘋果支付功能。這些產(chǎn)品在北京賣得十分火爆。中國對iPhone 6Plus的需求尤其強烈,甚至在發(fā)布三個多月后的現(xiàn)在,中國黃牛每天早晨還是會在美國的蘋果商店前排著長隊,購買當天的供貨。



????It’s a pretty safe bet that nearly every Chinese iPhone owner — and there could be a couple hundred million — also has a UnionPay credit or debit card. China UnionPay isn’t just the biggest bank card company in China, it’s the only Chinese bank card, with more than 4.5 billion cards issued worldwide.

????On Monday morning (Beijing time), Apple announced that it had struck a deal that will make it easier for UnionPay card holders to buy goods and services on Apple’s App Store in China — the company’s second largest market for app downloads.

????Rather than clicking through a cumbersome three-step process — selecting a bank, setting up an online password, and depositing a minimum of roughly $8 in a prepaid account — just to buy an app, Chinese customers can now link their Apple ID with their UnionPay card for what Apple describes as “one-tap purchases.” Apple already has hundreds of millions of credit card numbers on file. This deal gives it access to an addressable market measured in billions.

????What Apple’s press release didn’t say is whether Apple Pay will be accepted at the QuickPay kiosks UnionPay has been deploying in thousands of Chinese cities and town.

????A rumor that an Apple Pay/UnionPay deal had been struck surfaced on China’s Caixon Online on Sept. 11, two days after Apple’s friction-free payment system was unveiled.

????So far, only the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, with their built-in NFC transmitters, will work with Apple Pay. But those devices are selling like hot steamed buns in Beijing. Chinese demand for the iPhone 6 Plus in particular is so high in that even today, more than three months after it was released, Chinese resellers are lining up every morning outside Apple Stores in U.S. cities to buy that day’s supply.

????You can almost feel Tim Cook’s China strategy falling into place.







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