







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年12月12日

截至上周,蘋果已經(jīng)擁有32項手寫筆專利。根據(jù)觀察家推斷,如果蘋果真要推出智能手寫筆,它最可能在2015年上半年,與傳說中的iPad Pro一起問世。


????? “沒人想要一支手寫筆。”(2007年1月)

????? “如果你看到一支手寫筆,那么他們一定搞砸了?!保?010年4月)






????科技博客蘋果專利(Patently Apple)撰稿人杰克?帕徹已經(jīng)注冊了32個手寫筆專利,這顯然說明蘋果的工程師團隊已經(jīng)在研究生產(chǎn)一支更好的手寫筆。

????據(jù)帕徹表示,iPen差不多是蘋果耗時最長的項目之一。蘋果支付(Apple Pay)在首次注冊專利后的第52個月就上線了。蘋果手表(Apple Watch)從首次浮出到出貨不到30個月。然而帕徹表示,蘋果早在六七年前就開始注冊手寫筆的專利,也就是在首款iPhone剛出貨不久的時候。


????他補充道,如果蘋果真的要推出智能手寫筆的話,它最可能與傳說中的iPad Pro一起面世。iPad Pro是一款為設(shè)計、工程和圖像專業(yè)人士打造的巨屏平板,有望于2015年上半年問世。




????You can’t write a story about the rumored Apple smart pen — or iPen as it’s inevitably dubbed — without referring to two of Steve Jobs’ most famous dicta:

????? “Nobody wants a stylus” (January 2007)

????? “If you see a stylus, they blew it.” (April 2010)

????So when an Apple stylus patent gets approved (as one did in April), or another gets filed (as one did last week, the 10th so far this year), one of these quotes is usually trotted out for ironic effect.

????But if you watch the video that started it — the Macworld 2007 keynote where Jobs unveiled the iPhone — you’ll see that what he actually said isn’t what people remember him saying.

????“How are we going to communicate with this,” he asks rhetorically, referring to the iPhone. “We don’t want to carry around a mouse, right? So what are we going to do? Oh, a stylus, right? We’re going to use a stylus. (Pause) Nooo. (Big laugh) Who wants a stylus? You have to get them and put them away and you lose them. Yuck. Nobody wants a stylus.”

????Note that Jobs didn’t say nobody would ever want a stylus. He said nobody wants a stylus as the primary input on a mobile phone. For that, fingers are better.

????That there already is a stylus market — albeit a modest one — is evident on Amazon, where you can buy them on sale in packets of three for $6.99.

????That Apple has a team of engineers working on building a better one is evident from the collection of more than 32 filings that Patently Apple’s Jack Purcher has helpfully assembled.

????According to Purcher, the iPen is one of Apple’s longest-running projects, if not the longest. Apple Pay emerged 52 months after after its first public filing. Apple Watch is scheduled to ship less than 30 months after it first surfaced. Apple started filing stylus patents, according to Purcher, six or seven years ago, shortly after the iPhone shipped.

????“Why is Apple spending so much engineering time and money on a project for 6+ years,” Purcher says, “if there isn’t a real chance of this becoming a real product down the line?”

????If there is to be an Apple smart pen, he adds, we’ll probably see it roll out with the rumored iPad Pro. That jumbo-sized tablet, made with design, engineering and graphics professionals in mind, is now expected in first half of 2015.

????“Steve Jobs wasn’t a big fan of the ‘dumb stylus’ of yesteryear that was basically a tiny plastic stick,” Purcherwrote in 2011, when Jobs was still alive. “And so he set out to reinvent it.”

????I usually stay away from patent stories because most of what Apple files never ships. But 10 patents in one year is too many to ignore. To me, this feels like the watch did last summer. It feels like we’re getting close.







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