
In logos we trust

In logos we trust


????By Scott Cendrowski

????Confidence in banks vanished this past year. But branding experts say logos are an easy way to start winning it back. Fortune enlisted Rick Barrack of design firm CBX to evaluate which Fortune 500 bank logos are sending the right message.


????History: David Rockefeller introduced the octagon in 1960.

????What the logo says: The type is a strong statement of credibility and authority. The octagon is inviting: You're able to access everything the bank has to offer.

????Bank of America

????History: In 1999, BofA quilted together the American flag.

????What the logo says: The "flagscape" says security -- wrapping yourself in the fabric of America. It works well. The brighter blue provides approachability.

????Wells Fargo

????History: Its 1850s stagecoaches featured the same colors.

????What the logo says: The font captures that old-time Western spirit -- that's trustworthy. But red and yellow traditionally convey value, not quality.


????History: Citibank changed font and added the arc in 2000.

????What the logo says: This is schizophrenic: The red and blue says "America," the arc signals reaching across cultures, and the name reflects a city. Too much to analyze.

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