
Recovery, reset, or economic “flip up”?

Recovery, reset, or economic “flip up”?


????By Patricia Sellers

????A gloomy outlook as we head off for the long weekend. Today’s monthly jobs report was worse than May’s, worse than expected, and worse than we’ve seen in 26 years. The U.S. unemployment rate rose to 9.5%…and is bound to go past 10%.

????So when will the pain ease? Microsoft (MSFT) CEO Steve Ballmer told me last week: “I don’t think we’re in a recession. I think we’ve reset. It’s very different. A recession sort of implies a recovery…I don’t assume there is a recovery.”

????While in France, I caught up with another CEO, WPP Group’s (WPPGY) Martin Sorrell, who’s long been one of the more wise and worldly forecasters. (His company owns ad and marketing agencies that serve global giants like IBM (IBM), American Express (AXP), Ford (F), and Nestle (NSRG.Y), as well as Microsoft.) I asked Sir Martin is he buys Ballmer’s belief that media spending might decline as a percentage of GDP in the next 10 years. “I think advertising and marketing services as a proportion of GDP will be flat or rise,” he replied. “Any flatness or decline in the developed markets will be outpaced by growth in the BRICs and next 11.” Next 11? He means the major developing countries beyond Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

????As for that broader question of how we’ll “reset” or otherwise emerge from this global economic downturn, Sorrell has an artful way of envisioning it: “It will be like an italic, lower-case letter “L” with a little bit of a flip up,” he says. “The recovery will not be a ‘V.’ And it will not be a ‘W.’ The little flip up will come in the first half of next year.”

????Noodle that, and leave your worries behind this weekend!

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