




 作者: Roger Parloff    時間: 2011年07月26日    來源: 財富中文網(wǎng)
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????現(xiàn)在美國司法部(the U.S. Justice Department)、美國證監(jiān)會(SEC)和聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局(FBI)都已確認(rèn),他們正在對新聞集團(tuán)(the News Corp.)的電話竊聽案和政治賄賂丑聞進(jìn)行初步偵訊。與此同時,新聞集團(tuán)這邊也聘請了一位熟知《美國反海外腐敗法》(the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)的專家給自己撐腰。因此很多人都想知道,默多克的新聞集團(tuán)到底有多大可能會被判定違反了該法案的規(guī)定。【新聞集團(tuán)已經(jīng)聘請了來自寶維斯律師事務(wù)所(Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison)的《美國反海外腐敗法》專家馬克?蒙代爾索恩,以及威廉康納利律師事務(wù)所(Williams & Connolly)的知名刑辯律師布蘭登?沙利文作為本案的代理律師。此外,新聞集團(tuán)的獨(dú)立董事們還聘請了前美國司法部長邁克爾?穆凱西和前曼哈頓聯(lián)邦檢察官瑪莉?喬?懷特來幫助他們協(xié)助調(diào)查。這二位律師都來自德普律師事務(wù)所(Debevoise & Plimpton)】。

????上周二,兩位前司法部檢察官在《華爾街日報》(the Wall Street Journal)上撰文稱,“在新聞采訪事件上應(yīng)用《反海外腐敗法》,這讓所有美國媒體都擔(dān)心美國的新聞自由會受到影響。”《反海外腐敗法》的初衷是要“清除政府合同”,但是目前新聞集團(tuán)的丑聞根本沒有涉及到任何與政府合同有關(guān)的行為。這兩位前檢察官認(rèn)為,《世界新聞報》(News of the World)以及其他幾家可能卷入丑聞的報紙之所以會賄賂倫敦警方,目的只是為了獲得新聞線索,而不是要從倫敦警方或其他英國政府機(jī)構(gòu)那里獲得政府合同。


????將《反海外腐敗法》運(yùn)用在新聞集團(tuán)丑聞案上是否合適?帶著這個問題,《財富》雜志(Fortune)聯(lián)系了謝爾曼-思特靈律師事務(wù)所(Shearman & Sterling)的丹?紐康姆(他創(chuàng)辦了該所的反腐敗業(yè)務(wù)),以及科瓦斯-斯懷恩-摩爾律師事務(wù)所(Cravath, Swaine & Moore)的證券訴訟合伙人丹尼爾?斯利弗金,以聽取他們對此案的不同見解。

















????With the U.S. Justice Department, SEC, and FBI having acknowledged that they are all making preliminary inquiries into the News Corp.'s phone-hacking and police-bribery scandal, and with the company having retained one of America's leading experts on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, many are wondering how much Rupert Murdoch's company has to fear from that law's provisions. (News Corp. has hired FCPA expert Mark Mendelsohn of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, as well as famed criminal defense attorney Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly to represent it in the inquires. In addition, News Corp's independent directors have hired former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey and former Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, both of Debevoise & Plimpton, to assist them in their investigation.)

????On Tuesday, two former Justice Department attorneys argued in the Wall Street Journal that applying the FCPA "to news-gathering raises very significant First Amendment concerns for all U.S. media." The FCPA was really intended "to clean up government contracting," they contend, which is not implicated at all in the current scandals. The payments that News of the World and, perhaps, other papers are suspected of having made to London police officials are thought to have been made to obtain story leads, and not to obtain government contracts from the police or other English governmental bodies, they argue.

????Though the authors, David Rivkin and Lee Casey, are very well-credentialed, their arguments are undercut in the eyes of some by the fact that they are noted political conservatives, that they were political appointees during the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, and that their commentary was appearing in a News Corp. (NWS) publication.

????Fortune contacted Dan Newcomb, who founded the anti-corruption practice at Shearman & Sterling, and Daniel Slifkin, a securities litigation partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, to obtain a second- and third-opinion on the applicability of the FCPA to the conduct that is now under scrutiny.

????Is the FCPA targeted only at government contracting, and therefore inapplicable to alleged payments to police for leaking information?

????The law has two main parts. With respect to one part—the anti-corruption provisions—there is real ambiguity about whether the law applies and, if it does, whether it was intended to, according to the experts we contacted. The other part of the law, on the other hand—which requires keeping accurate books and records—seems likely to encompass the conduct being alleged.

????The anti-corruption provisions forbid an American corporation from making payments to a foreign official in order to help the company "in obtaining or retaining business for or with . . . any person."

????"The point is," Newcomb says, "that the statute is not a general foreign bribery statute," but is aimed, rather, at the problem of "American companies buying business overseas." Certainly, the classic FCPA bribery prosecution does involve a payment to a government official so that a company can land a business contract of some kind. "So I have to question whether obtaining newspaper information and stuff to publish is for that purpose."

????Slifkin, on the other hand, thinks bribing a police officer for leads or leaks "would probably be covered" even by this prong of the FCPA. While he does agree that most FCPA prosecutions involve "bribing the government to get business from the government," he thinks the purpose that would have motivated the tabloids' conduct here—to get scoops in order to sell more newspapers—still satisfies the literal requirements of the this section of the law.

????What about the other part of the FCPA—the provisions requiring accurate books and record-keeping?

????Here there appears to be no easy out for News Corp. if its employees are, in fact, found to have been bribing police officers, according to both Newcomb and Slifkin. Whether the bribes had a "business purpose" is irrelevant to a charge brought under the books and records provisions, they say, which contain no such limiting language. Newcomb adds that there is precedent for prosecutors aggressively using the books-and-records provisions of the FCPA when it would have been difficult or impossible for them to prosecute a bribe under the law's anti-corruption provisions.

????The books-and-records section was aimed at forbidding "slush funds," Newcomb says, because, "bribes are usually paid with cash siphoned off the books illegally." Under this section of the law, if it turns out that payments were in fact made to the police, the company would have a problem unless its books and records described those payments as "bribes for Scotland Yard" or something else "about that explicit."

????Furthermore, these provisions require not just keeping accurate books and records but also instituting "proper internal controls" to ensure accurate record keeping, Cravath's Slifkin notes. If there were widespread paying of bribes to police officers, this provision might also have been violated.

????Suppose it were eventually shown that some News tabloid had paid officers of Scotland Yard, say, $100,000 a year in bribes. Would that be enough to implicate the FCPA, or would that be considered small potatoes?

????"That's plenty," says Newcomb, who notes that he's seen FCPA prosecutions for a bribe as small as $400. The statute applies to payments of "anything of value."

????Slifkin agrees. "In some countries, it doesn't take a lot" to bribe a foreign official, he says, and those are the "same places where most of this stuff goes on."

????As a matter of prosecutorial discretion, do you really think U.S. prosecutors would pursue a FCPA prosecution against News Corp.?

????Newscomb doubts it. "Unless we find domestic violations," he says—for instance, that News Corp. reporters bribed New York City police officers to provide information about 9/11 victims—Newcomb thinks U.S. prosecutors will leave these matters to the British authorities. While there will be some "thumping around" by U.S. authorities, he predicts—in order to placate U.S. politicians—"as long as the British don't fall down" in their own inquiries, "I'm not sure what the U.S. adds to the process—to prosecute conduct that occurred in England."

????In fact, one of the factors that would make a FCPA prosecution in this situation so unusual, Slifkin notes, is that the FCPA "tends to be used in less developed countries that don't have rigorous antibribery statutes" of their own. "What you don't often see is the FCPA being used for conduct in countries like the U.K., where the world doesn't work this way and it's obviously illegal to bribe police officers. So there may be a little bit of getting in on the act."




@關(guān)子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強(qiáng)弱,好領(lǐng)導(dǎo)就是循循善誘的人,不獨(dú)裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學(xué)者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關(guān)現(xiàn)象研究后得出的一個結(jié)論:在各種組織中,由于習(xí)慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進(jìn)行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應(yīng)該可以解釋為專注當(dāng)下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創(chuàng)造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法??赡芎笳呤歉鞔驜OSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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