




 作者: Cyrus Sanati    時(shí)間: 2012年01月11日    來源: 財(cái)富中文網(wǎng)
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????直到上周之前,銀行業(yè)分析師們還在憧憬著華爾街第四季度業(yè)績(jī)強(qiáng)勁。但這些樂觀的預(yù)期不得不讓位于殘酷的現(xiàn)實(shí),因?yàn)?011年最后三個(gè)月顯然沒什么業(yè)務(wù),特別是12月份。盈利預(yù)期大幅下調(diào)。舉例來說,上周五投資公司Sanford Bernstein的布拉德?辛茨將高盛(Goldman Sachs)的每股收益預(yù)期從3.15美元降至77美分,將摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的每股收益預(yù)期從虧損19美分降至虧損75美分。上周,其他一些分析師也下調(diào)了盈利預(yù)期,幅度同樣巨大,降幅最大的是那些收入倚重投資銀行和交易業(yè)務(wù)的華爾街銀行。






A new reality

????Up until last week bank analysts had modeled a strong quarter for Wall Street. But those upbeat expectations succumbed to reality once it became clear that there wasn't much business going on in the last three months of the year, especially in December. The cuts in expectations were drastic. For example, Sanford Bernstein's Brad Hintz on Friday slashed his earnings estimates for Goldman Sachs (GS) from $3.15 a share to 77 cents a share and its estimates for Morgan Stanley (MS) from a loss of 19 cents a share to a loss of 75 cents a share. Equally large cuts were seen by other analysts last week, with the largest cuts centered on banks that derive a large portion of their income from investment banking and trading.

????But the big broker dealers, Goldman and Morgan, seem to be the hardest hit, as they've had to comply with new banking regulations. Goldman made billions of dollars trading its own account over the last decade, but since it became a bank holding company during the financial crisis, it's been forced to pull back on risk-taking activities. The value at risk, or VAR, on Goldman's trading desks, was down in the third quarter, contributing to the bank's second-ever quarterly loss as a public company. While Goldman is largely expected to make a meager profit in the fourth quarter, thanks to its debt underwriting shop, its return on tangible equity, an efficiency ratio, is slated to come in under 5%, a dismal showing.

????Goldman employees are bracing for smaller bonuses this year as the firm's profit pie shrinks dramatically. While the bank's employees won't starve, they will probably start to wonder if all those sleepless nights last year were worth it. Goldman, along with Morgan Stanley, is implementing efficiency programs to boost profit margins, targeting $1.4 billion in cost cuts. That's equal to around 3% to 6% of the firms' 2011 operating expenses. But while cutting expenses does help profit margins, it won't grow revenue.

????Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley is largely expected to report a steep loss in the fourth quarter, due in part to a one-time, $1.8 billion legal settlement. The bank is also expected to report an accounting loss for the quarter on its debt due to a shift in credit spreads.

????Like Goldman, Morgan Stanley's profit has been hit hard as it dialed back the risk on its trading desks, eliminating what had been a major profit center at the bank. It is also targeting around $1.4 billion in cost cuts, including the elimination of some 1,600 jobs, which is around 3% of its workforce.

????But unlike Goldman, Morgan Stanley has been busy trying to reinvent itself from within. It is aggressively growing its wealth management and fixed income market making businesses in an attempt to diversify its earnings streams. While both are relatively low margin businesses, the firm is hoping that it will generate enough money through scale. In the meantime, the direct and indirect costs associated with the transition will need to be paid, negatively impacting the firm's fourth quarter results.



@關(guān)子臨: 自信也許會(huì)壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會(huì)壓倒腦力的強(qiáng)弱,好領(lǐng)導(dǎo)就是循循善誘的人,不獨(dú)裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學(xué)者勞倫斯彼得在對(duì)組織中人員晉升的相關(guān)現(xiàn)象研究后得出的一個(gè)結(jié)論:在各種組織中,由于習(xí)慣于對(duì)在某個(gè)等級(jí)上稱職的人員進(jìn)行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應(yīng)該可以解釋為專注當(dāng)下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會(huì)怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創(chuàng)造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法??赡芎笳呤歉鞔驜OSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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