


Cyrus Sanati 2011-10-19

德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)總部





????由于歐元區(qū)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人有望最終達(dá)成一致行動(dòng),周一早間歐洲股市延續(xù)兩年來(lái)最大的周漲幅。此輪反彈的中心看來(lái)是上周歐洲金融穩(wěn)定基金(the European Financial Stability Facility)成功擴(kuò)容至4,400億歐元(6,110億美元)的消息。擴(kuò)容一事花了漫長(zhǎng)的3個(gè)月時(shí)間才獲得歐元區(qū)所有17個(gè)成員國(guó)的同意,在此期間市場(chǎng)曾經(jīng)多次處于崩盤(pán)的邊緣。



????Markets have rallied in the last few weeks amid increased hope that the European debt and banking crisis was nearing an end. Trouble is, the crisis is far from over. The passage of the enlarged euro zone bailout fund last week by all 17 euro zone members is just the first step required to bring any sense of normalcy back to the continental capital markets.

????The real hard stuff has yet to be hammered out. European banks still need to be recapitalized, further haircuts are needed on the sovereign debt of the peripheral euro zone nations and the newly enlarged bailout fund needs to get bigger – a lot bigger.

????Over the weekend, the finance ministers of the G20, which includes the United States and China, gave Europe until next Sunday to come up with a plan that addresses all of the above concerns in a comprehensive plan. Europeans have accepted the tight deadline, but there still remain deep divisions as to how to resolve these thorny issues. And even if they are successful, there is doubt as to whether such a plan could withstand another round of voting by the bailout-fatigued European populace.

????The European crisis has been chugging along for almost two-and-a-half years now without resolution. The market has forced the Europeans to act over that time through a myriad of scares in the bond and equity markets, with the latest flare-up sending stocks tumbling in August and September. But each was met by some short-term fix or promise, which was tantamount to putting a small band-aid over a gushing wound.

????The equity markets this morning in Europe extended their greatest weekly gain in the last two years on the hopes that leaders of the euro zone have finally gotten their act together. The centerpiece of this rally appears to be the successful enlargement last week of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to 440 billion euros ($611 billion). Getting all 17 members to agree to the enlargement took three very long months, in which time the markets were brought to the brink of capitulation on several occasions.

????But while enlarging the EFSF was a big step forward to resolving this crisis, it is unfortunately just the first piece needed to complete this complicated economic puzzle. Meeting in Paris over the weekend, the finance ministers and central bank chiefs of the G20 pushed Europe to do much more.

The Greece problem

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