


Cyrus Sanati 2011-10-31


????歐元區(qū)當(dāng)前這些問題的解決之道并非什么秘密——如何讓歐洲人參與進(jìn)來正是問題所在?,F(xiàn)在的關(guān)鍵是要重振對歐洲債市的信心,防止危機(jī)從歐元區(qū)的邊緣小國擴(kuò)散至歐元區(qū)核心經(jīng)濟(jì)體。歐洲人都知道,要重振信心,,他們的救助基金——?dú)W洲金融穩(wěn)定安排(European Financial Stability Facility, 簡稱EFSF)的規(guī)模和范圍必須大幅擴(kuò)大。





????也許歐洲人不愿意承認(rèn),但他們提出的這兩項(xiàng)舉債策略看起來很像2008、2009年美國次貸危機(jī)最嚴(yán)重時(shí)美國制定的兩項(xiàng)計(jì)劃,即定期資產(chǎn)抵押證券貸款工具(Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, 簡稱TALF)和公私合作投資計(jì)劃(Public-Private Investment Program, 簡稱PPIP)。還記得嗎?

????The big solution to Europe's long-running sovereign debt crisis was supposed to be unveiled today. But instead of a solution, the Europeans have managed to give the markets another dose of uncertainty. The result will be continued market volatility that threatens to bring about long-lasting damage to the world economy.

????The solution to the euro zone's current problems is no secret – it's getting the Europeans onboard that's been the problem. The key now is to restore confidence in their debt market to prevent contagion spreading from the small peripheral countries to the core euro zone economies. To restore that confidence, they know that their bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), needs to be much bigger in size and scope.

????The expansion of the EFSF was approved in the summer and finally came into force this month following agonizing votes in all 17 euro zone member parliaments. Trouble is, at 440 billion euros, the newly expanded fund still doesn't have enough firepower to quell the markets and restore investor confidence. That figure was the "big bazooka" number in dealing with potential defaults in Greece, Portugal and Ireland. But the crisis has since spread to Spain and Italy, which have much larger economies, and therefore requires a much larger bazooka.

????How to expand the EFSF again is at the heart of the troubles vexing European leaders. Getting all 17 members to agree again to put more capital into the fund after they just voted on an expansion is seen as a near impossibility. Getting them to agree to a bailout fund of around 2 trillion euros, which many believe is the new magic number after factoring in possible defaults in Italy and Spain, would be like convincing the president of France to serve Kraft singles for a cheese course at a state dinner.

A Band-Aid fix: Leverage

????So instead of augmenting the principle of the bailout fund, the Europeans have decided to artificially inflate the number by levering it up. How they propose to do this is the newest controversy in this long-running drama. A very rough draft communiqué on the issue made the rounds yesterday. It laid out two options that they believe could expand the firepower of the bailout fund without committing any more money from member states.

????The Europeans would probably never admit it, but the two proposed leveraging tactics look very similar to two programs instituted in the U.S. at the height of the mortgage meltdown in 2008 and 2009– the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, known as TALF, and the Public-Private Investment Program, known as PPIP. Remember those?

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