


Nin-Hai Tseng 2012-06-11


????懷疑論者拋出的觀點不容忽視:曾成功預測此輪信貸危機的經(jīng)濟學家魯里埃爾?羅比尼宣稱,歐元區(qū)將在今年某個時候崩潰,希臘和葡萄牙將脫離歐元區(qū)?!逗谔禊Z效應》(The Black Swan)一書作者納西姆?塔勒比則直言,歐元走到盡頭“沒什么大不了的”。

????其他很多華爾街人士也上調(diào)了對歐元區(qū)解體的預測概率。上個月,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的喬納森?加納告訴彭博社(Bloomberg)稱,該公司已將歐元區(qū)解體概率從25%調(diào)高到了35%,解體速度也將加快至12-18個月,短于先前預測的3-5年?!度A爾街日報》援引公共電視臺德國電視二臺(ZDF)上月末發(fā)布的民意調(diào)查結(jié)果稱,在普遍被視為歐元救世主的德國,近半數(shù)人口認為歐元對德國的負面影響多于正面影響,高于2月份的43%。







????The state of the euro looks bleaker by the day. Amid a deepening banking crisis in Spain and ahead of a pivotal June 17 Greek election that could make or break the nation's ties with the euro zone, the idea of a euro break up has increasingly become a possibility.

????The usual suspects have weighed in: Economist Nouriel Roubini, credited for having foreseen the credit crunch, has said the euro zone would collapse sometime this year, with the departure of Greece and Portugal. Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan, has boldly said the end of the common currency "is not a big deal."

????And many others on Wall Street have raised chances of a breakup. Last month, Morgan Stanley's Jonathan Garner told Bloomberg the firm raised its likelihood to 35% from 25%, with the pace of a breakup accelerating over 12 to 18 months as opposed to the previously estimated three to five years. And now half of the population of Germany, which is widely viewed as the euro's savior, believe the common currency has done more bad than good for Germany, up from 43% in February, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing a poll released late last month by public broadcaster ZDF.

????Despite talk of a euro breakup, the euro will likely survive. Here are four reasons why.

It's too painful to breakup (even for Germany)

????Germany is the only euro-zone nation with enough economic pull to keep the euro together. But for the past three years, Chancellor Angela Merkel has done only the minimum needed to keep debt-troubled nations afloat while demanding huge spending cuts in return – a strategy critics say has irritated the crisis rather than ease it.

????It's easy to see why Germans don't see the euro zone crisis as big a threat as the peripheral countries do. Its economy is actually thriving. Even as Europe approaches the three-year mark of its debt crisis, German unemployment is at its lowest in 20 years and falling. However, Germany needs the euro zone as much (if not more) than the union needs Germany, as billionaire investor George Soros highlighted over the weekend during a lengthy speech in Italy.

????The euro zone keeps Germany's exports cheap and therefore competitive. What's more, it keeps other euro nations from defaulting on their debts. And much of those debts are owed to German financial institutions. So if the ship sinks, all on board, including Germany, will sink with it.

????"The likelihood is that the euro will survive because a breakup would be devastating not only for the periphery but also for Germany," Soros said.

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