


Brian Halligan 2012-11-07



????現(xiàn)在,我們?cè)賮碚f說HubSpot。每家公司都不一樣。比方說,你是一家經(jīng)營(yíng)不錯(cuò)的旅行科技公司,但需要在董事會(huì)中獲得一些幫助,用一些風(fēng)投大腕和關(guān)系人來提升團(tuán)隊(duì)、領(lǐng)域?qū)iL(zhǎng),或許還需要一些資金全盤收購現(xiàn)有投資者的股票和他們的董事會(huì)席位。在這種情況下,如果你不與General Catalyst或紅杉這樣的公司合作,那你就是瘋了。









????2.Public investors can "recycle" their capital while most venture funds can't really do that easily. Huh? If Fidelity gets a 70% return on their investment in your company in a year and a half, they are pretty happy -- they can turn around and reinvest that money into other stocks. If Accel gets a 70% return on their investment in a year and a half, they are actually pretty unhappy -- they need to return that 70% to their investors and can't really reinvest it. In order for venture funds to make their math work, they need to get a 3X return on their investment. So what? Well, this means that the late-stage venture folks will likely give you lower valuations and more "structure" (i.e. participation) in their deals to try to reach higher return levels, while the public folks will likely be more flexible.

????3.We are generally very happy with our board and were not looking for new members or even new observers.

????Now, that's HubSpot. Every company is different. Let's just say, as an example, that you are a travel technology company that's doing well, but you need some help on the board, some VC pedigree and connections to improve your team, domain expertise and maybe some money to buy out existing investors and their board seats. In that case, you'd be nuts not to go with, for example, General Catalyst or Sequoia.

The Surprisingly Common Use of "Structure"

????In our A through D rounds, the concept of "structure" did not come up. In fact, when one of the potential Series E investors asked me, "Are you open to 'structure'?" it caught me off guard, because I didn't know what it was and didn't want to seem like a complete rookie. So I said, "Let me check with my board and get back with you." That turned out to be a good answer, by the way.

????Structure is a fancy word for preferential terms set up to increase the return of the new investor, or limit the downside of the new investor. As I mentioned earlier, private investors typically need to get a 3X return on a late stage deal, and they're nervous that they will invest money into a company and six months later it will sell for 75% more than they invested. For someone who can reinvest that capital, that's a great outcome; for a VC, it's not. In order to protect themselves from that risk, they will ask for participating preferred stock that, for instance, will put a floor on their return of 2X. Given the VC's incentives, it makes perfect sense, but that is a different type of equity that sits on top of everyone else's equity that needs to be looked at extremely carefully. It comes in a lot of flavors and can work well to bridge a valuation gap, but can be confusing, so I recommend folks dig in and build the model on how it ripples through.

????Another type of structure that VCs put in is a block on an IPO or trade sale of less than 2X (or something like that). This block makes perfect sense for the VC given their contract structures with their LPs, and it might make sense for you -- but you need to go into that with eyes wide open.

The surprising importance of your Series A terms in later rounds.

????It turns out that the terms from your Series A are most often cut and pasted into your later round deals. When you compromise on terms in the early stages, you will have to pay the price in the later stages. You generally don't start from scratch and rehash the terms.

Surprisingly rational pricing

????The initial pricing interest in our early stage rounds varied widely; but in our mezzanine round, the numbers came in much closer to each other. There are hard public numbers to look at with publicly traded companies and recent acquisitions by public companies. The pricing discussions just seemed much more "real" than the earlier stage deals.

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