


Carol Loomis 2013-01-28


????一場(chǎng)十年股市賭局如今已經(jīng)時(shí)間過(guò)半。在這場(chǎng)“百萬(wàn)美元賭局”中,沃倫?巴菲特看好標(biāo)普指數(shù)基金的表現(xiàn),而一家紐約投資管理公司Protégé Partners則看好5只對(duì)沖基金母基金。現(xiàn)在,有兩個(gè)消息。


????談到幾年來(lái)糟糕的表現(xiàn),不得不提的是,這場(chǎng)賭局始于慘淡的2008年,讓雙方都虧了很多錢。但巴菲特?zé)o疑虧得更多:巴菲特支持的標(biāo)普指數(shù)基金、先鋒集團(tuán)(Vanguard)的Admiral基金 2008年跌幅37%,大于Protégé 公司5只母基金24%的平均跌幅。





????從Protégé當(dāng)前暫時(shí)落后的表現(xiàn),或許已聽(tīng)到過(guò)太多烏龜說(shuō)法的塞德斯對(duì)于這場(chǎng)賭局設(shè)想的是另一種結(jié)果,就像電影《城市鄉(xiāng)巴佬》(City Slickers)里一樣。塞德斯稱,這部電影里“比利?克里斯托飾演的角色問(wèn)杰克?帕倫斯飾演的角色,今天他有沒(méi)有殺人?后者的回答是,‘今天還沒(méi)到頭呢’?!?/p>


????It's halfway time in the 10-year stock market wager sometimes called The Million-Dollar Bet—that's Warren Buffett backing the performance of an S&P index fund vs. a New York money manager backing five funds of hedge funds—and there's double-barreled news.

????Item One: For the first time since the bet started five years ago, Buffett has moved ahead—by an okay margin to boot. Item Two: For the first time ever as well, both sides have crawled out of the ditch (though the funds of funds barely made it) and are showing positive results.

????About that history of bad results, of course, you need to keep in mind that this bet started in the gut-wrenching year of 2008, which left both contenders deep in the red. Buffett, though, was definitely a deeper shade of red: Vanguard's Admiral shares—the S&P index fund he'd backed—lost 37% in 2008 vs. a 24% drop, on the average, for Protégé's five funds of funds.

????Reporting on that first year of the bet, Fortune quoted Buffett as just hoping he could be like the fabled tortoise that ultimately passes the hare.

????So now the tortoise, after crawling four more years, indeed leads. At the five-year mark, the Vanguard index fund backed by Buffett is up by 8.69%. The five funds of funds picked by Protégé Partners to carry its flag in the race are up, on the average, only—"gulp," says Protégé partner Ted Seides—0.13%.

????By the terms of the bet, the identity of those five funds has never been made public. It has always been assumed, however, that one of them is a fund of funds run by Protégé itself.

????The strength of 2012's stock market is naturally what carried the contestants into the black. The market's vigor is displayed in the performance of the index fund, which rose by 15.96% last year. In contrast, the five funds of funds managed a 2012 gain, on the average, of only 6.46%.

????From his trailing position, and probably having heard enough about the tortoise, Protégé's Seides imagines an alternative future for the bet by recalling the movie, City Slickers. In it, says Seides, "Billy Crystal's character asks Jack Palance's character, Curly, if he has killed anyone today—and Curly answers, 'Day ain't over yet.'"

????We'll let that suspense hang and report still one more piece of news about this bet. This bulletin concerns the 10-year zero-coupon bond that the two bettors, Buffett and Protégé, bought with the collateral they put up as the bet began. Each contributed about $320,000, so a total of roughly $640,000 went into the bond. Its value was set to rise gradually to $1 million—thus the nickname for the bet—by its conclusion on December 31, 2017.

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