


Stephen Gandel 2013-05-07

????謹慎對待美國股市,尤其是美國債市。歐洲市場頗具投資價值。伯克希爾?哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的股票不再是一筆劃算的買賣,但是蘋果公司(Apple)的股票也許可以買進了。這是今年在奧馬哈舉行的伯克希爾?哈撒韋公司年度股東大會上投資者的普遍看法。





????在美國知名基金經(jīng)理馬里奧?蓋伯里為哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)赫爾布倫投資中心(Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing)舉辦的籌款宴會上,投資者們表示,美國股市的這輪上漲行情似乎走過頭了。伯克希爾公司的股票也是如此,看上去不再是一個非常值得投資的標的。這和一年前面臨的情況發(fā)生了近乎一百八十度的大逆轉(zhuǎn),當時在座的還是這些投資者,但他們大多看好大型公司的股票,尤其是伯克希爾。這次宴會仍然是在奧馬哈市中心的希爾頓酒店舉行。從伯克希爾年度股東大會會址——CenturyLink中心穿過街道即可到達。許多專業(yè)投資者通常會在周末舉行的巴菲特年會的第一天晚上在此云集。巴菲特曾在哥倫比亞大學攻讀研究生。

????另一位知名投資者利昂?庫珀曼稱,他認為企業(yè)盈利會讓投資者失望?!暗窃诿缆?lián)儲(Federal Reserve)營造的環(huán)境下,沒有什么資產(chǎn)能勝過股票,”庫珀曼說。但若美聯(lián)儲撤銷貨幣刺激措施,市場屆時可能遭受重創(chuàng)。歐洲仍然是個問題,因為歐洲領(lǐng)導人在應對當?shù)貑栴}方面的行動一直相當遲緩。此前受益于政府支出的公司和部分經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域很可能會在華盛頓削減開支和應對債務問題之際遭受重創(chuàng)?!拔視h離任何一家從政府赤字中受益的公司,”庫珀曼說?!八麄兊腻X袋子要漏了?!痹吐氂诟呤⒓瘓F(Goldman Sachs)的庫珀曼如今掌管著資產(chǎn)管理規(guī)模達80億美元的對沖基金——歐米茄顧問(Omega Advisors)公司。

????哥倫比亞大學著名投資學教授、第一雄鷹基金(FirstEagle Funds)研究總監(jiān)布魯斯?格林沃德指出,美國經(jīng)濟將陷入一個非常緩慢的增長環(huán)境。住房市場的復蘇力度不足以推動經(jīng)濟增長,他說,美國家庭將不得不多存少花。中國和日本都將壓低利率,美國的出口增長將因此受挫。

????Be cautious about U.S. stocks and, especially, bonds. Europe is a good value. Berkshire Hathaway's stock is no longer a buy, but Apple may be. That was the general feeling of investors gathered here in Omaha for Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting.

????The mood about the market matched the weather, rainy and unseasonably cold. That didn't keep away the tens of thousands of investors, many professional, who pour into in this city each year for a weekend to hear Warren Buffett opine on his company's stock, the economy and the market in general.

????Buffett typically delivers an upbeat take on the economy and America especially. When the doors at the Centurylink Center opened at 6:30am Saturday, people who had been waiting outside in the dark and cold for hours dashed between rows of seats on the floor of the arena to get as close to the stage where Buffett will be speaking as possible.

????After a few years of trouble, Buffett seems to have more backing for his bullish view. Friday's jobs report showed that the economy added more jobs than expected. For the first time in five years, investors are putting more money into the market then they are pulling out. Stocks have hit new all-time highs recently.

????Once again, though, Buffett's faithful seem out of step with the rest of the market.

????Investors speaking at a dinner sponsored by Mario Gabelli to benefit the Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing at Columbia University, where Buffett went to graduate school, said the stock market rally seems to be getting ahead of itself. Berkshire, too, no longer seems like a great bet. That was a near 100% about-face from a year ago, when the same group was mostly bullish on the shares of large companies and Berkshire (BRKA) in particular. The dinner, once again, was held at the downtown Omaha Hilton, which is across the street from the Centurylink Center, where the Berkshire annual meeting is held, and where lots of professional investors typically congregate on the first night of Buffett's annual weekend.

????Leon Cooperman, a Goldman Sachs (GS) alumni who runs the $8 billion Omega Advisors hedge fund, said he thought corporate profits would disappoint investors. "The Federal Reserve has created an environment where there is no better asset than equities," Cooperman said. But when the Fed removes its stimulus, the market could suffer. Europe is a problem, because leaders there have been slow to address their problems. And the companies and parts of the economy that have benefited for a while from government spending are likely to be hit as Washington curtails spending and deals with the national debt. "I would stay away from any company that has benefited from the deficit," says Cooperman. "Their pockets are about to get unlined."

????Bruce Greenwald, Columbia's renowned investing professor and the Director of Research at FirstEagle Funds, said the economy was going to be stuck in a very slow growth environment. The housing recovery isn't going to be strong enough to drive the economy up, he said. U.S. households will have to save more and spend less. China and Japan are both going to hold down their currencies, thwarting growth of U.S. exports.

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