


Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-09-22


????而且,未來形勢(shì)將會(huì)變得更加糟糕,投資者正在關(guān)注美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)是否會(huì)縮減經(jīng)濟(jì)刺激計(jì)劃的規(guī)模,即量化寬松。高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析師表示,金價(jià)下跌將一直持續(xù)到2014年,屆時(shí)可能會(huì)跌破每盎司1,000美元,創(chuàng)下自2009年初以來的新低。這個(gè)變化將扭轉(zhuǎn)從2009年初到2011年秋天之間的趨勢(shì)。在此期間,金價(jià)從800美元穩(wěn)步上漲到了1,900上方。17日上午,紐約的黃金交易價(jià)格為每盎司1,314.50美元。




????除非大家消耗的全都是咸肉,否則隨著美國(guó)和世界其他國(guó)家遠(yuǎn)離金融深淵,通脹已經(jīng)不再是一個(gè)問題。事實(shí)上,全球通脹率目前正處于較低的水平,而且還在進(jìn)一步下滑。Project Syndicate網(wǎng)站今年6月曾經(jīng)發(fā)布了一篇文章,紐約大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家努里爾?魯比尼在文中預(yù)測(cè),金價(jià)到2015年可能會(huì)下跌到每盎司1,000美元。






????“購(gòu)買黃金的時(shí)機(jī)是在現(xiàn)金和債券的實(shí)際回報(bào)率為負(fù)值以及在下滑的時(shí)候,”魯比尼寫道。 “不過,對(duì)于美國(guó)和全球經(jīng)濟(jì)前景更加積極的展望意味著,隨著時(shí)間的推移,美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)和其他央行將退出量化寬松和零利率政策,這意味著實(shí)際利率將會(huì)上升,而不是下滑?!?/p>




????Up until last year, gold prices rose for at least 11 years in a row. The precious metal spawned a frenzy among everyone from gold bugs to politicos who think America should return to the gold standard. But today they're likely feeling nervous. Gold prices have entered bear market territory, having fallen by 22% this year.

????And it's going to get worse as investors zero in on whether the U.S. Federal Reserve will scale down its stimulus program, called quantitative easing. Goldman Sachs (GS) analysts say gold will continue dropping into 2014, possibly falling below $1,000 an ounce, a level not seen since early 2009. This is a reverse from gold's steady rise from $800 an ounce in early 2009 to more than $1,900 in the fall of 2011; on Tuesday morning, it was trading at $1,314.50 in New York.

????Regardless whether the Fed tapers its bond-buying program this week or later, a few other factors will likely drive prices lower.

????Inflation. What inflation?

????Gold is typically a hedge against rapidly rising prices. Since the financial crisis, many economies from U.S. to Europe have launched several rounds of quantitative easing. The supply of money tripled in most advanced economies, and many worried it would effectively stoke inflation.

????Unless all you consume is bacon, inflation hasn't been a problem as the U.S. and the rest of the world retreats from financial abyss. In fact, global inflation is actually low and falling further. In a June article in Project Syndicate, New York University economist Nouriel Roubini forecast that gold could fall to $1,000 by 2015.

????Roubini, nicknamed Dr. Doom for his forecasts of the financial crisis, noted that even though the supply of money has expanded it hasn't changed very many hands, largely because banks have been hoarding cash in the form of excess reserves.

????If banks start lending more, however, the risks of inflation could rise. Even then, gold faces other headwinds.

????It may be safe, but where are the returns?

????Unlike other assets, gold provides no income. That was an overlooked issue during the worst years following the financial crisis, but now that the economy is improving, gold must compete with returns on other investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

????Since Bernanke hinted it could scale back the Fed's bond-buying program soon, interest rates have surged, and they're poised to rise further. This effectively puts gold in a tough spot, as investors sell off the precious metal seeking higher returns in stocks, bonds, and other investments.

????"The time to buy gold is when the real returns on cash and bonds are negative and falling," Roubini writes. "But the more positive outlook about the U.S. and the global economy implies that over time the Federal Reserve and other central banks will exit from quantitative easing and zero policy rates, which means that real rates will rise, rather than fall."

????Crisis in Syria has subsided (at least for now)

????Gold is widely viewed as a safe-haven investment. When crisis arises, investors flock to the precious metal as a safe store of value.

????Markets have been zeroing in on conflicts in Syria, which could potentially push gold higher. At least for now, however, a military strike looks less likely as the country has accepted Russia's proposal for its chemical weapons to be given up for U.N. control. It remains to be seen if Syria is serious about its offer, but it does make U.S. military strikes less likely, at least in the near-term, according to JPMorgan analysts.

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