


Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-10-18


????巴菲特在華盛頓召開的《財富》最具影響力女性峰會(Most Powerful Women Summit)上說:“它就象一顆原子彈,你可能會提起它,但絕不希望真正用到它?!?/p>

????并不是只有巴菲特一個人持有這種觀點。美聯(lián)儲(U.S. Federal Reserve)主席本?伯南克等人也已表示,債務(wù)上限毫無意義,本來就不該存在。近年來,政客們(或者說共和黨人)養(yǎng)成了一個壞毛病,那就是把債務(wù)上限定義為就政府超支展開辯論。而實際上,這項法律和政府未來的開支毫無瓜葛。債務(wù)上限的作用只是讓財政部能夠靈活地為國會已經(jīng)批準的支出項目籌款。








????外界普遍認為巴菲特是20世紀最出色的投資人,但83歲的巴菲特把自己的成功歸結(jié)于運氣和時機。他的事業(yè)剛剛起步時,大多數(shù)美國女性還都是教師、護士、秘書或者家庭主婦。巴菲特說:“我很幸運,因為只有一半的美國人和我競爭。”他還說,一直以來他的一項重點工作就是吸引更多有才干的女性進入他的公司——伯克希爾-哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)。



????As Congress scrambles to lift the nation's borrowing limit and avoid the risks of defaulting on its debt, billionaire investor Warren Buffett joined critics of the debt ceiling, calling the 1930s law originally intended to give the government more flexibility to borrow funds "a weapon of mass destruction."

????"It really is like a nuclear bomb," says Buffett on Wednesday at Fortune's annual Most Powerful Women Summit in Washington, D.C."It's something that maybe you talk about but never dream of using."

????Buffett's not alone. He joins the likes of U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who argue the debt ceiling makes no sense and wishes it didn't exist. In recent years, politicos (ahem, Republicans) have gotten in the awful habit of framing the debt ceiling as a debate over excessive government spending, when in fact, the law has nothing to do with future spending. The debt ceiling simply gives the U.S. Treasury the flexibility to borrow for spending that Congress has already approved.

????Despite all the fear and political wrangling in Washington, Buffett says it's "absolutely folly" to even think the U.S. will default on its debt because "it is so stupid."

????In true Buffett fashion, the Oracle of Omaha had positive views of the U.S. economy. The recovery hasn't stalled, and it's still a good time to invest.

????"The country is coming back," he says. "You can't stop the United States. We get through everything. The country works."

????Buffett recalled buying his first stock in April 1942 shortly after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the U.S. into World War II.

????The Dow sank to 100 at the time, but he says that didn't discourage him from investing in the stock market. He has been buying stocks since.

????A lesson for investors: "You want to be greedy when others are fearful ... I've got plenty of greed."

????Buffett touched on several other topics, from the economic rise of China to women in corporate America. On China, he says the world's second-biggest economy will be "enormously important and they should be," but the U.S. will be "the superpower of the world for a very, very, very long time.

????"What's important is that the two countries largely learn to live together," says Buffett about tensions between the U.S. and China.

????Widely considered the best investor of the 20th Century, Buffett, 83, attributes part of his success to luck and timing. He built his career at a time when most women were either teachers or nurses or secretaries or housewives. "I was lucky I was only competing with half the country," he says, adding that he's focused on attracting more talented women to his firm, Berkshire Hathaway.

????"Berkshire is going to prove that a lot of talented women could accomplish a whole lot."??

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