


Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-11-21

????上周五在新加坡舉行的一個比特幣會議上,BTC China副總裁楊林科向法新社(Agence France-Presse)表示,這種貨幣之所以在中國如此火爆,是因為中國人喜歡存錢,他們把比特幣看成是存錢和投資的一種工具。在他說這番話之前幾周,常被稱為中國谷歌(Google)的百度公司(Baidu)開始對由其下屬企業(yè)加速樂(Jiasule)提供的一些服務接受比特幣。

????但是大家在為比特幣的未來歡欣鼓舞之前,必須指出的是 ,對比特幣的大筆投資仍然是對其潛力和日益復雜的交易技術下注,它的實際用途倒在其次。專家們表示,比特幣在打入主流被普通消費者接受前,還需要克服很多障礙。像WordPress和Reddit這類網站已經開始接受比特幣支付,但據專門研究數字化營銷的哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)教授大衛(wèi)?羅杰稱,這很大程度上是全球范圍內開展的一個大型貨幣試驗。





????At a bticoin conference in Singapore last Friday, BTC China's vice president Linke Yang told Agence France-Presse that the currency has become big in China because its citizens are big savers and see bitcoin as a vehicle to park and invest their money. His remarks come a few weeks after Baidu (BIDU), often referred to as the Google of China, began accepting bitcoin for some services offered by its subsidiary, Jiasule.

????But before anyone gets too excited, it's worth saying that any bet on bitcoin is still more of a wager on its potential and the growing sophistication of its trading technologies than its practical use. Bitcoin will have to overcome big hurdles, experts say, before it goes mainstream with average consumers. Websites like WordPress and Reddit have accepted bitcoin as payment, but it is largely one big monetary experiment being tested across the world, says David Rogers, a Columbia University professor who specializes in digital marketing.

????A few risks and logistical challenges to consider: Because the supply of bitcoin is mostly fixed, it has a massive deflationary bias that encourages hoarding. In other words, as the amount of things that bitcoin can buy increases, the value of each coin increases as well. So since each coin should be able to buy more goods in the future than it can today, it's hard to see why consumers would spend bitcoin now when they can use it to buy much more at a later date. That's a big kink the bitcoin industry will need to work out.

????And for bitcoin to take off, it needs to assure average consumers that their money is safe. Customers' biction wallets are typically stored in their phones or computers, which can be hacked. Proponents often claim that it costs less to process a bitcoin payment than a typical credit card payment, but it remains to be seen if average consumers are willing to give up the security of their money to save on transaction costs.

????Federal regulators are developing rules for the virtual currency, however. How bitcoin will exist in the future, if at all, and what it will be used for years from now is unclear. But the currency's fortunes are looking brighter than ever.

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