


Cyrus Sanati 2013-11-28








????Wall Street may be the latest victim in the long-running chess game involving Iran and the U.S. Equity prices shot up across the globe as oil prices fell Monday on the news that Iran and the so-called P5-plus-1 had reached an agreement over the weekend, which would curb development of Iran's nuclear program in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions.

????But a closer look at the deal suggests there is little to be excited about, at least not this early in the game. While one hopes this could be the first step to a peaceful resolution, there still remains a good chance that things could blow up.

????Listening to President Obama speak about the agreement his diplomats sealed with Iran over the weekend, one might think he deserved another Nobel Peace Prize for averting all-out thermonuclear war. But while the deal is historic, as it marks the first time the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran have officially penned an agreement together, it isn't as historic as, say, the agreement between the U.S. and the USSR in 1962 that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.

????The Iranian deal is primarily about giving both sides a little breathing room, setting the stage for upcoming negotiations and shouldn't be seen as anything but that. The two sides have six months to a year to hash out a more comprehensive agreement. During that time, each side will get a little something as a good faith gift -- a very little something. Neither side really budged from its hardline position, limiting the amount of change in the status quo.

????Consider what the Iranians gave to the other side. They first agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to monitor their nuclear facilities. That wasn't much of a giveaway, though, considering that IAEA inspectors already have access to most of Iran's facilities, with their most recent report issued in August.

????The Iranians also agreed to halt construction of a facility that could possibly make plutonium. That too is a bit of a weak giveaway as the facility reportedly remains unfinished because the tighter sanctions have prevented Iran from acquiring the necessary parts to bring the sucker online anyway.

????Lastly, Iran agreed to halt the enrichment of uranium to levels that are higher than what is required to feed certain types of nuclear reactors. That also doesn't seem to be a big deal as the latest IAEA report points out that only around 4% of the nation's uranium stockpiles have been enriched beyond that worrisome threshold and that production remains low.

????The Iranians don't seem to be giving up too much in the deal. As such, the U.S. and its allies aren't either.

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