


David Z. Morris 2013-12-26




????相比之下 ,查理?李就表示自己并沒(méi)有從創(chuàng)造Lite幣中大發(fā)橫財(cái)。他說(shuō):“我賺了點(diǎn)錢,當(dāng)然和大家一樣我也希望能多賺點(diǎn)?!辈贿^(guò)從行業(yè)地位和影響力來(lái)說(shuō) ,他卻獲益良多,因?yàn)樗蚅ite幣已經(jīng)充分證明,替代幣在強(qiáng)化整個(gè)數(shù)字加密貨幣生態(tài)系統(tǒng)上大有可為。李表示:“Lite幣的開(kāi)發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)與比特幣的開(kāi)發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)現(xiàn)在正在緊密合作。最新推出的比特幣含有大量暫時(shí)未經(jīng)Lite幣測(cè)試的代碼,因?yàn)槲覀冞@個(gè)市場(chǎng)比較小,要進(jìn)行改變也更靈活?!??

????But unlike Bank of America, which predicts a future in which Bitcoin stands alone, Antonopoulos sees space for at least a few alternatives after the inevitable shakeout. Those whose features cannot be incorporated into bitcoin, which manage to remain secure, and which build a robust user base will survive, he says. At the end of the process, Antonopoulos foresees Bitcoin holding between 80 and 85% of all cryptocurrency capitalization, with the remaining value divided between as few as five or six altcoins. The surviving altcoins may serve different niches within an evolved cryptocoin ecosystem, and all will offer a 'release valve' for users who feel that Bitcoin is too expensive – a near inevitability, given Bitcoin's strictly controlled growth rate and eventual growth cap.

????So far, one feature has been more important than any other in helping any altcoin build user buy-in: honest, transparent, and relatively selfless behavior by its developers. Litecoin lead developer Charlie Lee made great efforts to ensure cryptocurrency supporters' awareness and access at Litecoin's launch, when any cryptocurrency is easiest to mine. "I released the source code a week before the launch [in October of 2011], so people could prepare [to mine]." In part thanks to this push for fairness and openness, litecoin is now the second-biggest cryptocurrency after bitcoin. Creator Sunny King similarly released the sourcecode for his peercoin nine days before mining opened in August of 2012. Peercoin is currently the third-ranked cryptocurrency.

????In the 2013 altcoin explosion, though, Lee says "I haven't seen any other coin roll out with the same level of transparency." It certainly hasn't been the M.O. of the flood of bad actors looking to make a quick buck by starting bogus cryptocurrencies. This is usually accomplished through what's known as a "premine," in which the founders of a currency generate a large chunk of currency for themselves before releasing the mining code to the public. Those founders will then undertake a big marketing push, including, it is rumored, the occasional payoff to a prominent spokesman and bribes in exchange for listing on cryptocoin trading exchanges, which can confer a sheen of legitimacy. Then, when the hyped, bogus coin is released, adoption by cryptocoin enthusiasts can give its value a brief bump, and unscrupulous founders can unload their premined loot. "In excess of 80% of altcoins are pump-and-dump schemes in the most traditional sense of the term," says Antonopoulos.

????By contrast, Charlie Lee claims he hasn't disproportionately benefitted from the creation of litecoin. "I have some, I wish I had more, like everyone else." Lee has benefitted, though, in terms of community stature and influence, as he and litecoin have come to exemplify the role of altcoins in strengthening the overall cryptocoin ecosystem. "The litecoin development team works pretty closely with the bitcoin dev team. The latest bitcoin release contained a lot of code that had been tested out in litecoin for a while, because we're a slightly smaller market and we're more nimble to make changes."?

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