


Ian Mount 2014-03-06





????西班牙泡沫經(jīng)濟(jì)的破滅對藝術(shù)行業(yè)打擊深重。藝術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)研究所(Arts Economics)創(chuàng)始人克萊爾?麥克安魯為巴塞羅那Arte y Mecenazgo基金會進(jìn)行過一個市場研究。結(jié)果顯示,2002到2007年間,西班牙藝術(shù)品市場規(guī)模從1.6億歐元增加到了4.8億歐元,增長幅度高達(dá)200%;然而2009年,這個市場一下子跌到了2.71億歐元。一直到現(xiàn)在,市場才剛剛有所恢復(fù)。其中一部分原因在于,政府提高了藝術(shù)品的增值稅(銷售稅),將2012年18%的增值稅稅率提高到了21%(2010年這一稅率為16%)。

????“我們現(xiàn)在的狀況跟危機發(fā)生之前比起來非常糟糕,”馬德里Galería Nieves Fernández畫廊的主管伊多婭?費爾南德斯坐在ARCO的白色展館中說?!叭绻麤]有外國人來,去年的ARCO簡直就是一場災(zāi)難。去年在ARCO,我們只賣了一幅畫給西班牙國內(nèi)的收藏家,價格是3,000歐元?!?/p>



????我們得到的數(shù)據(jù)卻并不樂觀。ARCO的參展人數(shù)在2003和2004年達(dá)到了歷史新高,每年在200,000人左右。但2012年,參展人數(shù)降到了127,500人,今年則估計在100,000人左右。另外,西班牙國內(nèi)的大機構(gòu),尤其是依靠政府資金支持的大機構(gòu)都削減了開支。以索菲亞王后國家藝術(shù)中心博物館(MuseoNacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía)為例,它2010年在ARCO的預(yù)算為927,762歐元,2012年降到了700,000歐元,2013年為318,999歐元,今年則只有204,625歐元。



????At this year's 33rd edition of Spain's ARCOmadrid contemporary art fair, it was pretty easy to tell where you stood in the art world hierarchy.

????If you visited over the weekend, you were one of a diminished group of 100,000 or so civilians who forked out between 20 and 40 euros ($27.50 and $55) to bask in art that ran from canonized names like photorealist painter Richard Estes to up-and-comers like Mexican installation artistHéctor Zamora. But if you attended on Wednesday or Thursday, you were likely one of the 400 or so rich folks and art institution bigwigs who'd been invited to Spain, your trip paid in full, in the hopes that you might drop some serious dough on art.

????All major art fairs have VIP programs designed to attract big spenders. But ARCO's dedication of 20% of its 4.5 million euro budget to inviting buyers and promoting the fair overseas shows how Spain's economic crisis -- now more than five years old -- has forced the fair to turn its attention from national museums and modest local buyers to big international collectors.

????"In the years before the crisis, there were a lot of sales to domestic institutions. This has disappeared, and now there are more sales to foreign collectors," said Carlos Urroz, ARCO's director since 2010.

????Spain's art world was whiplashed by the country's bubbly rise and quick collapse. The Spanish art market grew 200% between 2002 and 2007, from 160 million to 480 million euros, only to crash to 271 million euros in 2009, according to a study led by Clare McAndrew, founder of research firm Arts Economics, for Barcelona's Arte y Mecenazgo foundation. The market has recovered only slightly since, hurt in part by the government's increase of its VAT (sales tax) on art works from 18% to 21% in 2012 (up from 16% in 2010).

????"We're doing very badly compared to pre-crisis," said Idoia Fernández, sitting in the white ARCO cube of Madrid's Galería Nieves Fernández, where she is the director. "Last year, if it weren't for foreigners, ARCO would have been a disaster. We sold only one piece to a Spanish collector last year at ARCO, for 3,000 euros."

????It's hard to know how a fair is doing, as many are loath to divulge overall sales numbers. Urroz couches his response in gallery "satisfaction."

????"We don't have sales figures," he said. "We know the level of satisfaction of the galleries, and we are confident this year will be better."

????What numbers are available aren't good. In 2003 and 2004, ARCO's visitor numbers hit a high of 200,000 people annually, but this number fell to 127,500 in 2012 and an estimated 100,000 this year. And big Spanish institutional buyers -- especially ones dependent on government support -- have cut their spending. Take the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, which trimmed its ARCO budget from 927,762 euros in 2010 to 700,000 euros in 2012, 318,999 euros in 2013, and 204,625 euros this year.

????Which brings us back to the international collectors. With local money scarce, ARCO has flown in international collectors and added foreign galleries from Latin America to show those collectors pieces they wouldn't see elsewhere.

????When I walked through ARCO a few hours after it opened on Wednesday, the first collector and industry day, the fair's redefinition appeared to be working. The VAT had been dropped to about 15.5%, and the halls were full of elder gentlemen in expensive casual wear, women of a certain age who'd undergone extreme plastic surgery, and young guys with tight pants and waxed moustaches.

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