


Cyrus Sanati 2014-03-21







????But that $5-6 billion figure seems low, especially when you figure in the cost of corruption. After all, Russia just spent around $50 billion on infrastructure to host the Winter Olympics in Sochi this year. Of that $50 billion, it spent around $9 billion to build a 25-mile rail and road link connecting Sochi to the winter ski events in the Caucasus Mountains. That equates to some $360 million per mile.

????Say the government spent half that Sochi rate to build a fancy new rail and road link 170 miles from Sevastopol to the Russian border. This would be imperative if it wanted to bring Russian goods and tourists into Crimea. Such an adventure would cost the Russian government a cool $30 billion. Russia would then need to build the bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian mainland over the Kerch Strait -- a project that Putin is apparently very excited about. The government estimates the bridge alone would cost around $3 billion. Now, multiply that by three (cost of corruption) and it will probably end up being around $9 billion. That's $39 billion for a rail and road link -- and we haven't even gotten to the billions of dollars that would be needed to pay for everything from schools to bureaucracy.

????Ukraine has a golden opportunity here to make Russia feel some pain. It won't be by hurling bombs but by just giving away territory. As Ukraine elects a new government, it should also draft a new constitution and rethink its borders to maximize revenue and minimize cost. Who should stay and who should go? Apparently, the eastern provinces of Ukraine pump out the most pro-Russian and reactionary government officials, most of whom come from the old Communist Party. Losing those folks would make life much easier for whoever takes power in Ukraine. Those provinces are also some of the poorest in the country. If Ukraine would just jettison the four provinces that hug its eastern border with Russia (including Crimea) -- Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya -- it could save another $2 billion a year.

????Absorbing all of those money-losing provinces would deliver a major financial blow to Russia, while lightening the load for Ukraine. Russia is already expected to post a $12 billion budget shortfall for the year before factoring in the cost of the Crimean annexation. With its economic growth rate stuck at around 2.5% for the next few years, that deficit will just grow larger and larger over time. Having to absorb millions of people, who are mostly poor, will just make things worse. As such, if Ukraine can't win this little skirmish with Russia along military grounds, it should do the next best thing and just bankrupt them.


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