
美國年賺35億美元基金經(jīng)理:市場堪憂 勿逆市而為

美國年賺35億美元基金經(jīng)理:市場堪憂 勿逆市而為

Stephen Gandel 2014-05-19
媒體報(bào)道稱,Appaloosa Management的大衛(wèi)?泰珀2013年狂撈了35億美元的。他最近公開表示,市場和美國經(jīng)濟(jì)前景仍有很多因素令人擔(dān)憂。雖然不建議大家做空,但也不要拼命做多。


????經(jīng)營著Appaloosa Management的大衛(wèi)?泰珀說:“有些時(shí)機(jī)是用來賺錢的,而眼下要避免虧損。我覺得目前的局勢令人感到不安。”

????周三,泰珀在今年拉斯維加斯SALT投資大會(huì)上對(duì)基金經(jīng)理同行和其他與會(huì)人員發(fā)出了一番警示。泰珀很少在公開場合聊市場,他最近被《機(jī)構(gòu)投資者》(Institutional Investor)雜志的《阿爾法》(Alpha)??u(píng)選為薪資最高的對(duì)沖基金經(jīng)理。這本雜志稱,他去年掙了35億美元。






????The nation's highest paid hedge fund manager is concerned about the market.

????"There are times to make money," says David Tepper, who runs Appaloosa Management. "This is a time to not lose money. I think it is a nervous time."

????On Wednesday, Tepper cautioned fellow fund managers and other attendees of this year's SALT Investing Conference in Las Vegas. Tepper, who rarely talks about the market publicly, was recently named the highest paid hedge fund manager by Institutional Investor's Alpha magazine. The magazine said he made $3.5 billion last year.

????Tepper's biggest concerns hinge on economic growth prospects and its effect on stock prices. He said his opinion would be different if the economy was growing at 4%. But he said that, even adjusting for the weather, the economy looks to be growing much more slowly than he expected. Indeed, U.S. GDP grew by 0.1% in the first quarter of 2014.

????That's a problem, Tepper says, because stocks on average are trading at 16 times next year's expected earnings. That means investors are expecting relatively strong bottom lines. But if the economy is growing more slowly than expected, profits are likely to disappoint.

????Tepper says he is also concerned about deflation, given the sluggish economic growth prospects. "If we have price pressure as well, then that's really going to push down profits," says Tepper.

????Tepper says that while he is normally seen as a bullish investor, he currently has a portion of his money in cash. "I'm not saying go short," Tepper says, which is the Wall Street term for betting against the market. "But don't be super long either."

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