


Verne Kopytoff 2014-05-20



????巴菲特是一位保守型投資者,通過(guò)伯克希爾?哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)進(jìn)行投資,他增持了一系列藍(lán)籌股。伯克希爾公司第一季度對(duì)沃爾瑪(Walmart)增持17%至5800萬(wàn)股。此后巴菲特又增持860萬(wàn)股,此次增持股票價(jià)值增至6.6億美元(基于周四收盤價(jià))。

????此外,伯克希爾公司對(duì)威瑞森電信公司(Verizon Communications)增持1100萬(wàn)股股票,價(jià)值約5.25億美元。但是此次購(gòu)買規(guī)模太小,操刀的可能是由伯克希爾的一位投資經(jīng)理,而不是巴菲特本人。在公司持股量最大的股票中,伯克希爾還小幅增持了IBM公司的233,000股股票,現(xiàn)在總共持股6840萬(wàn)股。

????對(duì)于其他公司,伯克希爾不太看好它們的投資前景。例如,通用汽車(General Motors)未能迅速召回帶有缺陷部件的汽車而受到批評(píng),巴菲特對(duì)這家公司的持股減少四分之一,現(xiàn)在總持股為3000萬(wàn)股。伯克希爾公司還將其在Phillips 66公司的股權(quán)削減64%,減少到了970萬(wàn)股。

????卡爾?伊坎是一位激進(jìn)投資者,他的策略是對(duì)公司董事會(huì)發(fā)起猛烈攻擊,迫使他們就范,近期伊坎繼續(xù)維持以科技為中心的戰(zhàn)略。他的公司Icahn Associates報(bào)告持有2780萬(wàn)股網(wǎng)上拍賣公司eBay的股票,還增持了280萬(wàn)股蘋果公司(Apple)股票,持股總量增加60%,達(dá)到了750萬(wàn)股以上,價(jià)值約為40億美元。



????Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn's investment firms provided updates of their stock holdings to regulators on Thursday. In doing so, they opened windows into what they considered to be the best money making ideas and what they thought were duds.

????The reports cover the first quarter, which ended March 31. Any more recent investments or sales will not be disclosed until later.

????Buffett, a pillar of conservative investing through his company Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA), bumped up his stakes in a number of blue chip stocks. Berkshire's ownership in Walmart (WMT) grew 17% to 58 million shares during the period from the end of 2013. With the addition of 8.6 million shares, the stake's value grew to close to $660 million based on the stocks closing price Thursday.

????Additionally, Berkshire added 11 million shares of Verizon Communications (VZ) valued at close to $525 million. But the purchase was potentially small enough that it was handled by one of Berkshire's investment mangers, and not Buffett himself. Berkshire also modestly increased its stake in IBM (IBM), among the company's biggest holdings, by 233,000 shares to a total of 68.4 million shares.

????For other companies, Berkshire had a dimmer view about their investment prospects. For example, it cashed out a quarter of its holdings in General Motors (GM), the automaker that is now under fire for failing to quickly recall cars with defective parts, for a total holding of 30 million shares. Berkshire also cut its stake in Phillips 66 (PSX) by 64 percent to 9.7 million shares.

????Carl Icahn, the activist investor whose strategy is to bludgeon corporate boards into submission, continued with his tech centric strategy of late. His firm, Icahn Associates, reported that it loaded up on 27.8 million shares of eBay (EBAY), the online-auction company along with another 2.8 million shares of Apple (AAPL), increasing its total stake in the company by 60% to more than 7.5 million shares worth around $4 billion.

????Icahn had been haranguing eBay to spin off its PayPal online payments unit, he but agreed last month to end the tussle in exchange for a say in who filled a board seat. He had also pushed Apple CEO Tim Cook to increase stock buybacks as a way to prop up the company's shares. Ultimately, Icahn withdrew his threats of a proxy fight after Apple took some of his advice to heart and increased its share repurchase program.

????At the same time Icahn was adding shares in Apple and eBay, he sold off some of his holdings in Netflix (NFLX), the online video and DVD service. Thursday's filing showed that his firm owned 2.2 million shares worth $790 million compared with 2.7 million at the end of 2013, valued at $981 million. Ichan had bought a large stake in Netflix last year after the company's shares took a nosedive, only to remarkably recover and become one of the best performing stocks last year. He has since been taking his substantial profits off the table.

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