


Vladimir Gendelman 2014-07-11

????幾年前,烏克蘭經(jīng)歷了一場(chǎng)爆炸式的外包業(yè)務(wù)繁榮。2011年,烏克蘭甚至被歐洲外包卓越獎(jiǎng)(European Outsourcing Excellence Awards)評(píng)為“年度外包目的地”。然而,隨著烏克蘭近期的政治動(dòng)亂和與俄羅斯的沖突,美國的小公司開始逃離烏克蘭,對(duì)烏克蘭的信息技術(shù)、圖形設(shè)計(jì)和其他重要工作不再抱有信心。






????Several years ago, Ukraine was enjoying an explosive outsourcing boom. In 2011, they were even named the “Outsourcing Destination of the Year” by the European Outsourcing Excellence Awards. But with the country’s recent political turmoil and conflict with Russia, small businesses in the U.S. have begun to shy away from trusting Ukraine with their information technology, graphic design, and other vital work.

????The hesitation is understandable, but it’s also a mistake.

????I’m a bit biased; as someone who grew up in the Ukraine, I obviously care a great deal about its people. It’s important to me that the people in my home country have opportunities to find employment and a dependable income. I’ll gladly do what I can to help them become less dependent on Russia, which is part of the reason that I count several Ukrainians among my own employees.

????But it’s not just about charity. Entrepreneurs who invest in Ukraine are doing more than just supporting democracy and helping people in need. They’re investing in cost-effective labor and innovative minds for their own business.

????You might have recently heard about a surprising breakthrough in artificial intelligence: the first computer program to ever pass the Turing test. That program simulates the personality of a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy, and in fact, one of its developers was Ukrainian-born Eugene Demchenko. Demchenko is just one of the 16,000 new IT professionals that Ukraine produces every year, thanks to its prestigious technical schools and long history of technological ingenuity.

????Ukraine’s situation is somewhat unique. For decades, the country served as the USSR’s technology hub. Although their economy is currently struggling, a solid tech infrastructure and a fantastic education system (one of the finest in Europe) is still firmly in place. Ukraine’s well-developed telecommunications, legal and tax systems and a stable rate of market growth make it a very attractive outsourcing option for businesses worldwide.

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