


Erin Griffith 2014-08-05



????要避免這種情況,方法之一是將投資的節(jié)點提前。在公司還未誕生之前就進行投資。甚至連創(chuàng)始人自己都不知道他們會進行創(chuàng)業(yè)的時候,便提前開始“燒冷灶”。彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)旗下的創(chuàng)投基金B(yǎng)loomberg Beta已經(jīng)花了一年時間這么做了。



????最終結(jié)果顯示,創(chuàng)業(yè)者的年齡要高于預(yù)期,但從事的職位沒有達到預(yù)計高度。數(shù)據(jù)庫內(nèi)的群體,約40%超過了40歲。約有一半的人曾在有風(fēng)投注資的公司工作,但有三分之二的人未從事過高級管理職務(wù)。管理咨詢顧問創(chuàng)業(yè)的幾率是其他職業(yè)的兩倍。Bloomberg Beta最終鎖定了350名潛在創(chuàng)始人,并邀請他們前往紐約和舊金山參加聚會。

????If Target can figure out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did, venture firms should be able to identify founders before they start companies. All it takes is the right data.

????That’s where venture capital—ever evolving—is headed. As Mark Susterpointed out last week, the venture capital landscape has become increasingly bifurcated. Seed funds are springing up everywhere, representing 67% of all new funds created, and large funds have gotten even larger. For the early stage investors, this means increased competition and frothy valuations. By the time a founder sets out to raise a seed round, the startup’s valuation might be $10 million.

????One way to get around that is to invest even earlier. Invest before the company is a company. Before the founder even knows they’re a founder. Bloomberg Beta, the venture investment arm of Bloomberg LP, has been doing this for a year now.

????After an unsuccessful attempt to build a database of “future founders” on its own, the firm teamed up with Mattermark, the deal intelligence company founded by Danielle Morrill. The results could have ramifications for the way investment decisions, typically driven by gut instinct and intuition, are made.

????Mattermark identified the most likely career paths of successful founders, creating a pool of 1.5 million people who were connected by one to two degrees of separation to tech startups, but were not founders yet. By analyzing the people that started companies over nine months, Mattermark mapped out the strongest predictors of starting a company: a person’s education, which previous companies they’ve worked for and how senior they were, their geography, and their age. The goal was to find things that didn’t fit the standard path to entrepreneurship. As Morrill points out: “Anything that looks like a pattern, people will already find it.”

????The resulting mix of people were older but less senior than you’d expect. Almost 40% of those in the dataset were over 40 years old. Almost half of the people in the data set had worked for a VC-backed company, but two thirds were not in senior leadership positions. Management consultants were twice as likely to start companies. Bloomberg Beta narrowed the list to 350 potential founders, and invited them to parties in New York and San Francisco.

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