


Erin Griffith 2014-08-05



????Bloomberg Beta負責(zé)人羅伊?巴哈特對于最終結(jié)果的多樣性感到欣慰。他說:“數(shù)據(jù)不會有任何偏見。其中很多人有生以來第一次被賦以這樣的期望?!?/p>

????Bloomberg Beta找出的“潛在創(chuàng)始人”以后是否會創(chuàng)建公司,這還有待考證。(雖然僅僅過去幾個月時間,但巴哈特表示“一大批人”已經(jīng)開始了創(chuàng)業(yè)。)同樣,該項目也沒有給Blommberg Beta帶來任何交易。(他說道:“了解一個人是一個長期的過程,因此,即使在未來兩年我們沒有對任何人進行投資,我也可以接受?!保┑ㄟ^創(chuàng)造性地使用數(shù)據(jù),在交易流程中占據(jù)先機,這種做法將變得更為常見。Mattermark重新進行了一次匿名研究,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),其模型預(yù)測創(chuàng)始人的成功率比先前高出25倍。

????這是利用數(shù)據(jù)促進風(fēng)險投資的方式之一。另外一種方式是什么?在董事會中增設(shè)一名機器人。正如香港創(chuàng)投公司Deep Knowledge Ventures的做法。該公司的機器人董事會成員,使用機器學(xué)習(xí)預(yù)測最佳生命科學(xué)交易,利用歷史數(shù)據(jù)來預(yù)測對于人類風(fēng)險投資者來說不太明顯的趨勢。正如德米特里?凱明斯基向美國科技網(wǎng)站Betabeat所解釋的那樣,機器人在這個過程中不帶任何情緒:




????Cold-emailing people based on data could feel like a creepy invasion of privacy, like Target’s maternity ads. Hi, our algorithm knows your career dreams! Indeed, some people thought it was a scam. But for the self-selecting group of around 75 people that turned up at each party, it was validating.

????“People would say things like, ‘I thought about becoming a founder but I had never even told anyone,’” Morrill says. “When someone believes in you before anyone else—that’s what is really cool here . . . You can actually reinforce a dream they held very closely but never considered seriously.” Morrill admitted that telling people they were in the study probably changes the results.

????Roy Bahat, who leads Bloomberg Beta, was pleased by the diversity of the group. “The data doesn’t discriminate,” he says. “A lot of the people, this was the first time they ever got tapped on the shoulder for something like this.”

????Whether any of Bloomberg Beta’s potential founders have actually founded a company yet is another story. (It’s only been a few months; Bahat says “a bunch” are in the process.) Likewise, the project has not resulted in any deals for Bloomberg Beta. (“It was expected to be a long term process of getting to know people, so even if we fund zero people for the next two years, that’s fine by me,” he says.) But using data creatively to get a leg up on deal flow will only become more common. Mattermark re-ran a blind version of its study and found its model has a 25x better chance of predicting a founder.

????This is one way to boost venture investing with data. Another way? Add a robot to your board of directors, like Deep Knowledge Ventures, a firm in Hong Kong. The firm’s robot board member uses machine learning to predict the best life sciences deals, taking historical data sets to reveal trends that aren’t so obvious to human VC investors. As senior partner Dmitry Kaminskiyexplained to Betabeat, the robot takes emotion out of the process:

????“Humans are emotional and subjective. They can make mistakes, but unlike the machines they can make brilliant intuitive decisions. Machines like VITAL use only logic. The intuition of the human investors together with machine’s logic with give a perfect collaborative team. The risk of the mistake will be minimized.”

????Sure, it’s novel. But why not? “Whenever people are skeptical that you can use data to do something that previously only people had done, that makes us want to try it,” Bahat says. “When Bloomberg rolled out its first product, people were saying, ‘No, human beings have to be the ones to price bonds.’ Turns out a computer can do some of those things better.”

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