


Stephen Gandel 2014-08-29






????“用市場(chǎng)術(shù)語(yǔ)講,就是疲竭,”熱門新聞簡(jiǎn)訊《高科技策略師》(The High-Tech Strategist)資深編輯弗雷德?希基說(shuō)。










????In this same vein, I dove in to a mystery that has been stumping market-watchers and financial journalists—myself included—for ages: What causes investors to go from optimistic to nervous to panicked and back?

????The answers that economists have come up with have been mostly unsatisfying or disproven. For a while, many settled on the notion that the market was essentially random, and left it at that.

????But then came the financial crisis, which nearly swallowed the entire economy. Again the search for the causes of financial contagions, and how to contain them, became a hot topic.

????The good news is that we have new research on what causes market panics, including a major study that came out in just the past few months. The bad news is this likely won’t end the debate either. Here’s what we know, and don’t know, about investors and their freak-outs.

????Ask most professional investors and market strategists why stock panics happen and you will mostly get the same answer: Stock prices get too high.

????“It’s called exhaustion in market terminology,” says Fred Hickey, who is the long-time editor of the widely followed newsletter, The High-Tech Strategist.

????The realization that stocks were significantly overvalued appears to be what led to the 2000 tech bust. In March 2000, Barron’s published an article detailing how fast dotcom companies were running out of cash, and their stocks were overvalued. (Fun side note: Henry Blodget, then a technology stock analyst, said the math of the article was wrong.) That was long before anyone realized the accounting tricks that dot.com companies, and others, like Enron, were playing.

????But we didn’t need to know any of that stuff to panic. In the three days following the Barron’s article, the Nasdaq index fell nearly 500 points, or 10%.

????Hickey says the same was true in the run up to the financial crisis. Compare stocks to corporate sales or earnings, and it was clear that the market was overvalued in October 2007. And earlier this year, the prices of technology stocks, when you factor in their current growth projections, were trading at higher multiple of earnings than they were back in 2000.

????“Why anyone would expect anything other than a decline is beyond me,” says Hickey.

????Market value explanations, while a big deal for Wall Streeters, never really held much sway with financial professors. A little over a decade ago, Nobel Prize-winning economist Edward Prescott did a study of stock prices in 1929, before that year’s giant stock market crash. His conclusion: The market didn’t crash in 1929 because stocks were overvalued. If anything, based on what we know now, the market was cheap.

????And while there were plenty of stocks that turned out to be worthless when the dotcom market crashed, others were cheap even at the peak. Amazon.com’s stock , for instance topped out at a split adjusted $89 in 2000. It now trades for $328.

????Technology stocks, too, are just as expensive as they were a few months ago. Witness the phenomenon of hitcher app Uber, which was valued in early June at an eye-popping $17 billion—and that was before it raised another $1.2 billion in venture funding. That would make it worth more than Hertz (market capitalization: $13.5 billion), on virtual dotcom paper, that is. This all sounds bubbly, and yet, no one is running to sell.

????The Barron’s article in 2000 was not the first time the financial media had raised the warning sign about tech stocks. Yet, for some reason that article stuck.

????“The best we can say is that what causes selloffs is changes in investor sentiment,” says Harvard professor Malcolm Baker. “But why that change occurs we really don’t know.”????

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