


Stephen Gandel 2014-08-29




????今年早些時(shí)候的一些科技股走勢(shì)提供了一些證據(jù)。2013年和2014年初有超過(guò)45家科技公司上市,其中包括Twitter、很多其他的社交傳媒公司以及熱門(mén)游戲《糖果傳奇》(Candy Crush)的開(kāi)發(fā)商King.com。這些公司每一家都在IPO后設(shè)有鎖定期(通常為6個(gè)月),內(nèi)部人士隨后可以?huà)伿酃善?。這增加了投資者必須吞下的股票數(shù)量。僅Twitter的鎖定期滿(mǎn)之后,就可以為市場(chǎng)增加5億股社交傳媒股票。






????The theory that most economists prefer to explain stock market selloffs—probably because it comes from their own playbook—starts with supply and demand.

????And it explains many market bubbles and busts in new technologies. Often when investors catch wind of an exciting new technology like, say, the Internet—or, today, social media and electric cars—there are few, if any, publicly traded companies.

????Investors will pay up for those shares if it’s the only way to get in on the trend. But as more companies that do the same thing go public, or the ones that are public sell more shares, the supply of available shares increases. And as supply rises, prices tend to fall.

????And there’s some evidence that’s what happened with technology stocks earlier this year. More than 45 technology companies went public in 2013 and early 2014, including Twitter, a number of other social media companies and game maker King.com , which owns the obsessively popular Candy Crush. What’s more, each one of these companies have lockup periods—a time, usually six months, after the IPO—after which insiders can sell shares. That increases the number of shares investors have to gobble up. The expiration of Twitter’s lockup alone made another 500 million shares of social media stock available for trading.

????But that doesn’t explain market panics, like we saw earlier this year. If it were all about supply and demand, you would expect the selloffs to be measured and gradual. It also doesn’t explain why more shares of Twitter or King.com would cause investors to dump their holdings of Tesla or a slew of biotech companies, which also sold off in the spring. (In fact, Twitter’s lock-up expired in early May, when technology stocks were recovering.)

????Nor does the theory really explain the financial crisis. Houses and mortgage bonds weren’t new, though the supply of both definitely increased during the run-up to the housing bust.

????And neither the valuation explanation nor the supply argument really explains why this year’s tech stock selloff didn’t spread. Non-tech stocks, after all, look expensive, too. And many large companies have spent the past few years selling debt. Yet, outside of tech, stocks have continued to rise without barely a hiccup this year.

????Tech investor Kevin Landis of Firsthand funds says part of the problem is there’s no obvious leader for tech investors to use as an anchor. A decade ago, investors would look to movements in Microsoft or Intel . But Microsoft has stumbled and Intel isn’t the powerhouse it used to be. “I don’t think you would say as Telsa goes, so goes the market,” says Landis. “Facebook is going to get there but it’s not there yet.”

????That leads us to the latest theory of why market panics happen. In academic circles, at least, there’s been resurgence in interest in a theory that was popular a decade ago but had been dismissed by believers in efficient market theory. But now that the financial crisis has discredited the efficient market hypothesis—clearly houses and mortgage bonds were mispriced—alternative theories are making a comeback.

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