


Stephen Gandel 2014-09-16






????所有這些都是基于投資者以IPO價格獲得阿里巴巴的股票。但是,正如杜利所講,即便該股首日交易大漲25%至82.50美元,其靜態(tài)市盈率仍只有36倍。這樣的市盈率肯定算高,但遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)低于Facebook 100倍的市盈率和亞馬遜500倍的市盈率。



????Alibaba’s biggest problem could center on the law of big numbers. Alibaba already sells nearly $300 billion worth of merchandise on its site. Damodaran’s $66 stock price estimate is based on Alibaba’s sales rising 500% over the next decade, and $1.5 billion sounds like an impossibly large amount of stuff for Alibaba to sell. Wal-Mart’s sales were a third of that last year.

????But Alibaba isn’t an American retailer. It’s in Chinese retailing, the fastest growing segment of the fastest growing economy in the world. The numbers are going to get large.

????What’s more, Alibaba doesn’t count the total dollars generated by the sales of the goods on its site as revenue. Alibaba generally sells other companies’ merchandise on its website and collects a fee from buyers and sellers. It records those fees as its revenue. Right now, those fees equal a slim 3% of the total sales on its site, or $8.4 billion in its last fiscal year. Damodaran says those commissions have to grow to $47 billion over the next decade to make it worth buying the stock at $66.

????But Alibaba’s total sales don’t have to increase by 500% to get there. As Alibaba gets larger, it could force sellers, or buyers, to hand over a bigger slice of those sales. If Alibaba increases its average fees to 5%, its sales only have to triple over the next decade to achieve Damodaran’s predictions. If the fees go up to 10%, then sales don’t even have to double.

????Still, to justify Alibaba’s value, you have to consider its profit margins, which are huge. Last year, Alibaba retained nearly half of its fees as operating profits. That’s nearly double the operating margins of Google. Based on that, Damodaran thinks that even if the company’s growth rate drops to 2% a decade from now, it will take Alibaba a little over 11 years to earn back the money it raises in its IPO. That’s not bad. By comparison, it would take Google 28 years to justify its $395 billion market cap, based on its current earnings.

????All of this is based on investors getting Alibaba shares at its IPO price. Still, even if the stock jumps 25% on its first day, as Tully suggests, to $82.50, its trailing p/e would still only be 36. High, for sure. But still far lower than Facebook’s p/e of 100, and Amazon’s 500.

????Alibaba shares may not be as much of a steal as Alibaba’s thieves might have liked, but they are as close to a bargain as we have seen, and are likely to see, in the IPO market in a long time.

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