


Shawn Tully 2014-09-20




????要達(dá)到這樣的市值,阿里巴巴需要實(shí)現(xiàn)多少盈利呢?在截至今年6月30日的第四個(gè)財(cái)務(wù)季度,阿里巴巴的凈利潤(rùn)為49億美元。如果今后十年它的市盈率從47倍降到20倍(20倍市盈率仍有溢價(jià)),該公司就得實(shí)現(xiàn)390億美元的凈利潤(rùn),也就是說(shuō)每年的凈利潤(rùn)增長(zhǎng)率都要遠(yuǎn)高于20%。除了美國(guó)政府旗下的房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac),盈利增速達(dá)到這種水平的超級(jí)明星企業(yè)也只有一家:還是蘋果公司(Apple)。為了說(shuō)明這個(gè)挑戰(zhàn)的艱巨性,大家可以看看這個(gè)數(shù)字——2013年,微軟(Microsoft)的利潤(rùn)為220億美元。



????Heading the list of losers are Yahoo, a major Alibaba shareholder, and Alibaba itself. Yahoo is selling around 140 million shares. The underpricing means it will receive $9.2 billion, instead of the $13.1 billion those shares would be worth, just one day later. That’s $3.8 billion in foregone funds. As for Alibaba, it’s raising around $8.3 billion, funds that will swell its coffers. At a $93.89 share price, Alibaba would have amassed over $11.5 billion. Left on the table: $3.2 billion, more than 1% of its market cap.

????Now, let’s look at Alibaba as an investment for the great unwashed who didn’t get the insider price; in other words, you and me. We’d want a return on our Alibaba shares of at least 10% a year over the next 10 years. That’s quite a conservative figure considering that Alibaba is a speculative investment. Let’s also assume that Alibaba will issue 30% more shares to fund its expansion. We’re probably choosing a low figure here given its recent acquisitions binge: Alibaba spent $7 billion buying and investing in a sprawling portfolio of companies just in the quarter that ended on March 31.

????It’s unlikely that Alibaba will pay a dividend anytime soon. So all of our gains will need to come in the form of stock appreciation. Using those metrics, Alibaba will need to grow its market cap from $231 billion to $777 billion by 2024. Keep in mind that the market currently awards only one company on the planet a valuation over $600 billion, and that’s Apple.

????To get us there, how much will Alibaba need to earn? In the four quarters ended June 30, Alibaba posted net earnings of $4.9 billion. If its P/E (price-to-earnings) multiple of 47 falls to 20 over those 10 years—and 20 is still a premium P/E—it will need to show $39 billion in net earnings. That means earnings must grow by well over 20% a year. Other than government-owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, only one superstar makes that kind of money: once again, it’s Apple. To put this challenge in perspective, consider that Microsoft earned $22 billion in 2013.

????Alibaba could still prove to be a great company and still not achieve that gargantuan goal. Its P/E of 47 doesn’t sound outrageous for a fast-grower. But keep in mind that Alibaba is already a massive company with earnings that would put it in the top 50 of the Fortune 500. So it has to grow those already large earnings like a super-charged upstart. The law of large numbers is working against this remarkable success story. Indeed, at these prices, it’s more a story than an investment. So stay entertained, and stay away.

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