


Katie Fehrenbacher 2015-05-25


????另一方面,出售太陽能電池制造技術(shù)的初創(chuàng)企業(yè)1366 technologies已經(jīng)和中國公司合作了一段時(shí)間,在上海設(shè)立了銷售處。全球大部分太陽能電池廠商都在中國,1366 technologies正在和其中一些中國廠商進(jìn)行客戶測試。在赴京途中,范?米爾洛在電子郵件中表示:“中國在制造領(lǐng)域表現(xiàn)很出色,我們將從中吸取經(jīng)驗(yàn)。”





?? Solar startup 1366—which sells solar cell manufacturing technology—on the other hand, has been working with Chinese companies for awhile and has a sales office in Shanghai. The majority of the world’s solar cell manufacturers are located in China; 1366 is in the process of customers trials with some of them. “China has done a lot of things right in manufacturing. We stand to learn from that,” 1366’s van Mierlo wrote in an email from the road.

????Of course, all of the help that the startups will get, also helps Haiyin. The firm will soon start raising its fourth fund, which Wang says could be double the size of its third fund, though he also says he doesn’t want the fund to be “too big.” In addition, the firm is also interested in partnering more deeply with AngelList to help Chinese investors fund AngelList companies. There’s also a plan to work with a U.S. private equity firm to invest in later stage pre-IPO tech companies.

????Shortly after the entrepreneurs from the ten or so companies return to the U.S., Haiyin’s Wang will make his own journey to the East Coast, looking to connect with his U.S. network on the new fund. While Haiyin is operating on a pretty small scale right now (it usually puts just a few million into each company), if it can successfully act as that connection point—between the Chinese market and U.S. early-stage tech—there could be a lot of money made on both sides the Pacific Ocean.

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